Article:HolmeVillageHome Timeline

Article Covers
Holme, West Riding of Yorkshire, England


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Holme in West Yorkshire, England. (parishes of Holme, Austonley, Cartworth)


If you Know your ancestor's lifetime. compare here and see the events which they would have been aware of


1632 First stone chapel built at Holmfirth

1694 School built at Holme

1778 Current Holmfirth chapel built after second Holmfirth flood

1776 Spinning Jenny used by James Beardsell of Holme

1837 Act of parliament authorizing the Holme Valley Reservoirs

1838 Holme school rebuilt

1838 Holmbridge church and Parish

1839 Hinchliffe Mill Chapel

1840 Bilberry reservoir constructed

1840 Holmfirth gas Works

1842 Grouse beating and shooting established on Snailsden Moor

1845 Original Woodhead tunnel opened

       (involved the death of 32 workers and scandalous conditions)

1852 (4th February) Holmfirth flood (breakage of Bilberry reservoir)

1878 Yateholme reservoir completed

1883 Riding wood reservoir completed

1886 Holmfirth express established

1892 Ramsden Reservoir completed

1899 Bamforths starts producing films

1920 Holme valley memorial hospital built

1932 Brownhill reservoir completed

1830s Aborted Plans to create reservour in Rake valley very near Holme

1938 Digley reservoir announced: Bilbery drained for inspections

1951 First transmitter mast completed at Holme Moss

1954 Digley reservoir constructed (Below reduced size Bilberry reservoir)

1954 Second woodhead tunnel completed (involving death of 6 workers)

1954 Air crash on holme Moss

1981 Woodhead tunnel closed

1980’s Holme Moss mast replaced with another mast

1998 Ingentia Atmospheric experiments

1999 Procloud atmospheric experiments conducted at holme moss

2008 Holmfirth Express becomes a few pages in Huddersfield Examiner