WeRelate talk:Forum (Nederlands)/Archief 2010



Nederland's Patriciaat [6 September 2010]

Hallo, can someone tell me if Source:Nederland's Patriciaat : Genealogieen Van Bekende Geslachten and Source:Nederland's Patriciaat are duplicate sources? Since WR gathered it's sources from FHLC, they have this description for each source: [1] and [2]. If they are the same, I will merge them into one. Bedankt! --Jennifer (JBS66) 07:03, 6 September 2010 (EDT)

Yes they are. It is however a yearly publication with about 15 - 20 families, and 500 pages each year. It would be helpfull to refer to a specific year.--Nicolaas 08:24, 6 September 2010 (EDT)

Thank you Nicolaas. I will merge these sources together later today. Regarding indicating a specific year, that information is added on the person or family page that refers to the source. The source page is more general, just Nederland's Patriciaat, but the source citation on the person page can have volume, page, year, actual text, etc. --Jennifer (JBS66) 08:33, 6 September 2010 (EDT)
I believe all of the duplicate sources for Nederland's Patriciaat are now merged. The source is now just Source:Nederland's Patriciaat. I added a link to the page on our Portal:Netherlands (Nederland) under Research Links. --Jennifer (JBS66) 14:49, 6 September 2010 (EDT)

Bad or good idea to open new pages for new titles ? [22 October 2010]

By creating a subpage for discussions like this, people then have to click watch for each discussion they may be interested in. Also, if you begin a new discussion page, people won't be notified of its existence. I am certainly open to new ideas, but I'm not convinced this is workable here. It may work on a site that has more of a traditional forum for discussions. I, personally, like the idea of keeping discussions all on one page (like the Watercooler is) and archive them as they get old. If a discussion gets quite lengthy, and sparks its own project page, then it can be moved. Thoughts? --Jennifer (JBS66) 13:25, 21 October 2010 (EDT)

On Rodovid we have the system to open a new page for every new title and that gives more possibilities for subtitles. Watercooler doesn't attract me, because I everytime have to many trouble to find what I'm searching.--Fred Bergman 14:32, 21 October 2010 (EDT)

I would prefer to leave the discussion in the main forum and remove 'old' or finished discussions in an archive, because now I have to search where my text has gone (found it anyway).--Klaas (Ekjansen) 01:30, 22 October 2010 (EDT)
The majority decides, in that point of vue I am a democrat ! --Fred Bergman 03:21, 22 October 2010 (EDT)

Why don't we bring this back to the portal forum, where it was before, -and keep it all in one place- as far as I recall vaguely. It is hard enough as it is to trace back discussions on WR....as on Rodovid b.t.w. --Leo Bijl 14:19, 22 October 2010 (EDT)

Genea Afkortingen / Abbreviations [23 okt 2010]

Mijn gedcoms staan gedeeltelijk in genealogische afkortingen van landen, NLD voor Nederland, DEU voor Deutschland, BEL voor België, enz. Hoewel dit internationaal erkende afkortingen zijn, worden ze gedeeltelijk en niet allemaal gevolgd door WeRelate volgens mij. --Fred Bergman 15:33, 22 October 2010 (EDT)

Fred, are you saying the abbreviations are not recognized? We did add DEU to Germany and BEL to Belgium. Since the place matcher uses the alternate name field from the place pages, it should match a place like Luxembourg, BEL to Luxembourg, Belgium. I added these abbreviations to the places I thought would be most used by Dutch genealogists (a few countries, each province in NL, etc). I tested this in a gedcom yesterday. It matched Ferwerd, FR, NL to the correct page. --Jennifer (JBS66) 15:45, 22 October 2010 (EDT)
I had some problems with transforming abbreviations at GedCom import. If I have that again I will tell you.--Fred Bergman 15:54, 22 October 2010 (EDT)

Today I found some wrong links [23 okt 2010]

(F) > France not Russia
59,F France, not Russia
H is a mistake not Zaporizhia, Ukraine
Kortrijk,West-Vlaanderen,België? is not Kortrijk,Utrecht,Netherlands
NH is Noord-Holland, not New Hampshire,United States
--Fred Bergman 03:59, 23 October 2010 (EDT)

While the place matching system is intelligent, it's not a mind-reader... There is an assumption that a gedcom will have some details that will help it match to the correct place. The first places you have there, (F), 59 F, H are not mistakes per-se, they are the system trying it's best to figure out what you mean.
In the example of NH, my guess is that it scanned the list of places and because New Hampshire comes before Noord-Holland (alphabetically), and NH is also an abbreviation for New Hampshire, that it chose the first one it came across. If you had put NH, Netherlands or perhaps even NH, NL - I believe the system would have correctly chosen Noord-Holland, Netherlands
For Kortrijk, you have Kortrijk, West Vlaanderen (B)? listed as a place - I believe the symbols ()? are causing confusion. You do also have there Kortrijk, West Vlaanderen B, which did match correctly.
The place matcher is pretty smart. When I tested it the other day, all of the following correctly matched to Place:Ferwerd, Ferwerderadeel, Friesland, Netherlands
Ferwerd, FR, NL
Ferwerd, Friesland, Netherlands
Ferwerd, Ferwerderadeel, Friesland, Netherlands
Ferwerd, Ferwerderadel, Netherlands
Ferwerd, Friesland
Ferwerd, Ferwerderadeel
The only place that didn't match to anything was when I put just Ferwerd. There simply wasn't enough information for the system to make a decision. --Jennifer (JBS66) 06:17, 23 October 2010 (EDT)
I don't know the possibility to delete automatically wrong choosen Places by the system and choose the right Place, checking Places on Gedcom review. Excists that possibility ?--Fred Bergman 07:15, 23 October 2010 (EDT)
Using your mouse, you can click on the place with the Right mouse button. Then, choose Unlink Matched Place. That will unlink it, now you'll need to Find/Add place to find the correct place to match it to. I will return your file to user review so you can test this. --Jennifer (JBS66) 07:19, 23 October 2010 (EDT)

okay, thank you, it's simple and usefull, but I didn't know this !--Fred Bergman 07:23, 23 October 2010 (EDT)

Taalgebruik - Use of language [22 okt 2010]

Ik prefereer de gehele naamgeving van Nederlandse plaatsnamen, provincies en het land zelf in het Nederlands, dus bijvoorbeeld Almere, Flevoland, Nederland --Fred Bergman 03:25, 22 October 2010 (EDT)

Daar ben ik het mee eens.--Klaas (Ekjansen) 03:45, 22 October 2010 (EDT)

Was al te doen gebruikelijk, voor zover ik weet. --Leo Bijl 12:55, 22 October 2010 (EDT)

Helaas niet, ik moet steeds mijn gegevens aanpassen. Nederland veranderen in Netherlands. --Fred Bergman 14:00, 22 October 2010 (EDT)
  • In mijn gedcoms staat gewoon Nederland, ofwel Deutschland, Schweiz etc, en dat wordt correct in het Engels vertaald bij de overname.--Klaas (Ekjansen) 15:23, 22 October 2010 (EDT)

The current convention on WeRelate is for places names to be in the country's native language - except for the county portion. So, in the case of the Netherlands, town, gemeente, provincie would all be in Dutch, but the country would be Netherlands. I don't know why this decision was made, as it was before I became a WR user. It is certainly something we can ask Dallan about, but I know he recently upheld this when a user questioned the use of the term Germany in place titles.

Klaas is correct, if you have a place like Amsterdam, Noord-Holland, Nederland in your gedcom, it will correctly match to the WR place page. The text that will appear on the page will be Amsterdam, Noord-Holland, Nederland, but when you click on it, you will go to Amsterdam, Noord-Holland, Netherlands. This works only because Nederland was added as an alternate name on the Netherlands page. We also added NL and NLD for the same reasons - for better gedcom place matching. btw... I may answer in English... but you are more than welcome to continue the conversation in Dutch... I'll get the gist of it (thank you Google Translate!) --Jennifer (JBS66) 15:35, 22 October 2010 (EDT)

Gedcom in queue - need suggestions [30 December 2010]

There is a gedcom in the queue that I could use some suggestions about. Pre-1811 names in the file (that have no surname) are stored only in the given name field. That means a Family page for Alle Wijmers and Froukje Edses will be titled as Alle and Froukje because there is no data in the surname field. The user is reluctant to put the patronymic name in the surname field saying " I haven't used the patronymic in the surname field with the persons who don't have a surname (before 1811) because of the fact that there is a discussion in Holland Going on wheather you should use the patronymic as a surname or not. My softwareprogramma Aldfaer is not supporting the use of a patronymic as a surname."

I could edit the file and move the patronymic name to the surname field so the pages will be titled correctly. Does anybody have other suggestions? Is there a consensus that pages titled with only the first name is problematic? Dank u wel! --Jennifer (JBS66) 16:12, 30 December 2010 (EST)

Aldfaer has no special field for patronymics, as same as the gedcom standard. The problem is not only the patronymic but also the prefix (van, van de, van der de, ten, ter etc). For the Dutch names we are missing these specific fields, so we have to find an arrangement. In WeRelate the prefixes are placed in the surname field which makes the alphabetic search we are used to in Dutch a bit different. For the patronymics I can live very well with the way WeRelate manages this: in case that a surname is missing, the patronymic is handled as a surname, in case of an available surname, the patronymic becomes part of the given name. In my opinion this is quite common done in NL. --Klaas (Ekjansen) 16:39, 30 December 2010 (EST)
I think Aldfaer is unique too in it's handling of surname prefixes. Both RootsMagic and PAF don't have fields for this. What I'll do in this case (since so many of the names affected are "early" and won't be imported) is edit the remaining names directly so they import correctly. Klaas, thank you for your input! --Jennifer (JBS66) 18:56, 30 December 2010 (EST)

WeRelate talk:Forum (Nederlands)/Titling Netherlands Places [24 okt 2010]

The more that I am looking at the Gedcoms of Dutch users, the more I regret renaming all of the WR place pages for Friesland! I saw your Birdaard, Ferwerderadeel link and first thought - hey, that's in Dantumadeel... It was, but not at the time of your ancestors' death. If I had just kept the pages titled Birdaard, Friesland, Netherlands, there might have been less confusion. Maybe this is a question I should bring up in the future on the Netherlands forum.

On Rodovid we did the same with the old names. Also there we have now three: original name, province, country and where the old names don't belong ot one actual country we have a category there OLD/historical WORLD--Fred Bergman 06:52, 22 August 2010 (EDT)

But on Rodovid, you name your place pages differently. Example: Ferwerd is just titled Place:Ferwerd. Whereas on WR, we put the full information including Province and Country. I went through and renamed the pages for Friesland a few years ago to add the gemeente (based on what I was seeing on Tresoar). Now I realize that made more trouble since places changed municipalities so much! Also, it's confusing that we did not do the same for all of the other provinces. If we want to keep discussing this, I'd suggest starting a topic on the NL forum. --Jennifer (JBS66) 07:22, 22 August 2010 (EDT)

Yes indeed, but we categorize the villages and other miniscule places to the caegory of the province, we categorize the provinces to the country, and the countries to the continent and the continents to the category world. Historical world and world in the category Earth. At least so started I with this, but afterwords we divided tasks and now administrator Lidewy is improving the categories and I appreciate that and accept her decisions just as yours on WeRelate.--Fred Bergman 07:43, 22 August 2010 (EDT)

I think our categories are similar. Place:Marum, Groningen, Netherlands goes underneath the category of Category: Groningen, Netherlands. There is a problem here in Friesland, however. Place:Ferwerd, Ferwerderadeel, Friesland, Netherlands goes underneath Category:Friesland, Netherlands, which skips a level. This is due to a bug and because the places in Friesland were renamed.
I think this discussion of WR Friesland places names is important. We currently don't have a lot of watchers on this page. However, I would like to see an active discussion about this amongst the Dutch users - in Dutch :-). Go ahead... tell me that I shouldn't have renamed all of them. Changing them back though would need to be a project with multiple users helping.--Jennifer (JBS66) 09:49, 22 August 2010 (EDT)

Leo wil vast wel helpen. Hijn helpt mij ook altijd op Rodovid en houdt/hield daar toezicht op de geografische categorieën. Wij slaan bij Rodovid tegenwoordig ook een niveau over. Een dorp, een gehucht, een wijk, voormalige gemeenten, worden rechtstreeks onder een provincie gehangen, we slaan de nieuwe gemeenten, maar ook de oude gemeenten, waar ze vroeger eventueel bijhoorden, over en hangen ze rechtreeks onder de huidige provincie. --Fred Bergman 09:57, 22 August 2010 (EDT)

Leo isn't watching this page, but he would certainly be helpful in this regard! I think we'd need to discuss it further to make sure this is something we really feel that we should do. We'd also need to come up with a scheme to disambiguate the rare duplicates, like Nes, Friesland. --Jennifer (JBS66) 10:04, 22 August 2010 (EDT)

There is a list of duplicate names in Wikipedia NL. Nes (Ameland) is different from Nes (Dongeradeel).

This is quite helpful! Some of these disambiguations we won't have to worry about here, like Amsterdam (Canada) and Amsterdam (Georgia). Since we put the province and country, we'd only have to be concerned about the duplicates within the same province. --Jennifer (JBS66) 10:30, 22 August 2010 (EDT)

text below copied from Talk:List of cities, towns, and villages in Overijssel, Netherlands

It seems to me, that for the Province of Overijssel the level 'Gemeente' = Municipality has been left out. Is there a way to correct this? --Ekjansen 12:22, 23 August 2010 (EDT)

Klaas, what happened is that at the end of 2008, I went through Friesland and renamed the place pages to include the gemeente. I did this for Friesland only. The problem is, I am rethinking if this was wise. Looking at the gedcoms of recent Dutch users, having the gemeente may add to confusion. I began a conversation here and would welcome your input. --Jennifer (JBS66) 16:17, 23 August 2010 (EDT)
Jennifer, I just think, that it is hard to bring the villages and municipalities in the right connection. If we take Heemse, which is located in Ambt Hardenberg (1818-1941), and later on was part of the community Hardenberg. How do people find out where to look for the sources. Well the church records are to find under Heemse, but the civil records as from 1806, 1811, 1818-1941, 1941-now are to find und different municipalities. The difference with Friesland and Groningen, where quite a lot of villages had their own churches continued after the Reformation, in the other provinces you will find church records only under certain central places. So the Ommen church-records are including about 10 or more villages in the later municipality of Ambt Ommen. In my opinion it should be quite useful to make a more distinct village, municipality, province, country - structure like you did for Friesland. But it is a hard job. I could offer to do this for Overijssel where my father's ancestry comes from for 50%. --Ekjansen 06:12, 26 August 2010 (EDT)

Verder [12 December 2010]

Now beiing about 4 months WeRelated, having a bit of genealogical experience (since 1962) and still trying to understand the rules or conventions which are used under WeRelate circumstances, I think of the following proposal: Places like Oldeberkoop or Marrum having their own church (or civil) records but never were a Gemeente should be given a first level like Oldeberkoop, Ooststellingwerf, Friesland, Netherlands. Places and small villages without specific own sources like churchbooks and so on like Bergentheim or Beerse should be mentioned in the text, and Bergentheim should not be in the first level, so just Hardenberg, Overijssel, Netherlands. The problem left: should it be Hardenberg (Ambt) or Ambt Hardenberg and the further problem is, although Bergentheim was part of Ambt Hardenberg as from 1811, the people from Bergentheim where christened and married in Hardenberg (Stad) and not in Heemse. So there are still exceptional situations left.--Klaas (Ekjansen) 12:51, 21 October 2010 (EDT)

What would happen in the case of people who are buried or resided in Bergentheim? Also, the Place:Bergentheim, Overijssel, Netherlands page was created on WR because the FHLC has sources linked to that location (Landregisters, 1612-1859). Would we keep a page for Bergentheim in that case? --Jennifer (JBS66) 19:54, 22 October 2010 (EDT)
I think for the vital statistics the best thing is to have all levels (kerkdorp/stad, gemeente, provincie, land) only 4 levels when the first level is not identical with the gemeente. The other question is why leaving once a level out like you propose with Bergentheim. Maybe there are 2 ways, one for the place in the personal and family records and another rule for the sources (to make it more complicated).--Klaas (Ekjansen) 03:18, 24 October 2010 (EDT)
I'm sorry Klaas, I included the link to Bergentheim above, but I wasn't clear about something. I wanted to reference the page to illustrate that it contains a link to FHLC. I didn't mean for it to be an example of how I propose pages to be titled. I agree that 4 levels is important and that this page will likely need to be renamed. However, you said above that Bergentheim does not have its own specific sources, and that those places should not be on the first level. I took that to mean that you would not want a page titled Bergentheim, Hardenberg, Overijssel, Netherlands. If, however, people are buried there, or resided there, etc - I think it would warrant a page with the full 4 levels.
I think what I'd like to avoid are instances of 5-levels (though I can't think of an example right now). There are towns with tiny little hamlets... In those cases, I wouldn't want pages like hamlet, dorp, gemeente, provincie, land. --Jennifer (JBS66) 06:24, 24 October 2010 (EDT)
A new place was just created that is an example: Place:Aaksens, Tjerkwerd, Wonseradeel, Friesland, Netherlands. It seems that Aaksens was a hamlet within the town of Tjerkwerd. This is where I think we should avoid 5-levels. --Jennifer (JBS66) 07:18, 25 October 2010 (EDT)

Hi, I'm reading al his stuff about 4 or 5 levels and I would like to place myself in the position of an interested viewer (consumer) When I'm surfing on the net and I find one of my ancestors. I would like to find as much details as I can get so f.i in my special case I have ancestors born in Beneden Veensloot (hamlet or even street), Meeden (village), Menterwolde (gemeente), Groningen, Nederland. On google earth (streetview) you can be that specific and that is what I as consumer want. At the other hand when you want to keep it to 4 levels, why don't let the country be, most names and combinaties are unique, as I look up beneden veensloot on google earth I go to the right place (of course I have to use the correct spelling.) I also mak contributions on http://www.genealogy.henny-savenije.pe.kr/tng/ you mightview examples there --henk 24 October 2010 (EDT)

Hoi Het probleem is niet alleen 4 of 5

Een groot probleem zit bij de gemeentelijke herindelingen

Ganzedijk, Finsterwolde, Groningen tot/till 1990
Ganzedijk, Beerta, Groningen 1990
Ganzedijk, Reiderland, Groningen 1991
Ganzedijk, Oldambt, Groningen 2010
which one next

Site Henny is mijn home :-) Mvg, --Lidewij 08:01, 24 October 2010 (EDT)

  1. http://www.genealogy.henny-savenije.pe.kr/tng/places-oneletter.php?offset=1&tree=savenije&psearch=Groningen
  2. http://www.genealogy.henny-savenije.pe.kr/tng/places-oneletter.php?offset=2&tree=savenije&psearch=Finsterwolde%2C+Groningen

Hey Lidewij,

I want to improve my english, so I continue in Enlish ;-): I don't recognize our dutch "herindeling"as the major problem. As a surfer on the internet I would like to find (in this case) Ganzedijk, that's the constant factor, when I want to know about the herindeling my search continues.

By the way funny that you mention Ganzedijk do you have ancestors from there? --henk 24 October 2010 (EDT)

Wat noteer je wanneer je zoon in april 1990 in Ganzedijk is geboren. Wat staat er op de akte? Mvg, --Lidewij 08:23, 24 October 2010 (EDT)

One thing to keep in mind during this conversation. WeRelate titles its places as they were historically (generally around the year 1900). Reclassifications (herindeling) can be documented as they are on this page: Place:Bozum, Baarderadeel, Friesland, Netherlands (as an also-located-in place). Your gedcom can say either Bozum, Baarderadeel... or Bozum, Littenseradiel... both will link to the same page.--Jennifer (JBS66) 08:28, 24 October 2010 (EDT

Okay, that's clear, it doesn't matter what you notice, the constant factor is (in Lidewij's example) Ganzedijk. In your own database you can use the correct data and it will be converted to historical database

I understand the message, have a nice day--henk 09:06, 24 October 2010 (EDT)

Henk, have a nice day. ;-) --Lidewij 12:35, 24 October 2010 (EDT)


5 > 4 , Mvg,--Lidewij 07:53, 25 October 2010 (EDT)

In order to maintain the hierarchy structure, I believe we'd need to do this instead: Place:Aaksens, Wonseradeel, Friesland, Netherlands --Jennifer (JBS66) 12:25, 26 October 2010 (EDT)
Als er nog iemand suggesties heeft, zet gerust hier neer, want het eind is er niet van in zicht geloof ik. Zelf hou ik het meestal op gemeente + provincie en bijvoegingen neem ik als notities op. Ik volg de bestuurlijke verdeling èn de benaming zoals ze zijn op het moment dat ik de gebeurtenis aantref en ik verwerp dus de zgn. 1900-regel, want dat leidt tot anachronismen, maar dat is hier eenmaal zo.

--Leo Bijl 14:38, 8 December 2010 (EST)

Het enige juiste is uit te gaan van de situatie op het moment van de gebeurtenis, zonder toevoeging hoe het gebied later is komen te heten. De provincie alleen toevoegen met de naam op het moment van de gebeurtenis en als dat niet bekend is dan maar helemaal niet, voor het land geldt het zelfde Nederland is niet gelijk aan de 7 provinciën en ook niet gelijk aan de Bataafse Republiek; Europa 2010 is geen Europa 1900 en ga zo maar door. Toevoegingen geven de zelfde problemen als de plaatsen zelf, mogelijk moeten we met graden gaan werken, uiteindelijk wordt het allemaal voor simpele zielen als ik te moeilijk en laat ik de plaats maar weg, dat mogen de grotere geesten later invullen --Fred Bergman (User:Bergsmit) 14:46, 8 December 2010 (EST) (emeritus IWAB en IHAG)

I am strongly leaning towards following the structure we now have for place titles in Friesland. The hierarchy is this:

  • dorp, gemeente, provincie, Netherlands

For very small hamlets underneath a town, we would not have 5-levels, but instead:

  • hamlet, gemeente, provincie, Netherlands

In regards to the concern about places being titled as they were around 1900 - this does not limit how places appear in your gedcom, nor how they are imported. The 1900 "rule" is simply a snapshot in time - and something unique to call the page. Just as person pages are titled Jane Doe (1) does not mean that the full details for the person are excluded - they are just elsewhere on the page. Take Birdaard as an example. I tested this with a sample gedcom with two people, one born in Birdaard, Ferwerderadeel... and the other born in Birdaard, Dantumadeel. In both instances, the place appears on the person's page just as it did in the gedcom. Both pages link to Place:Birdaard, Dantumadeel, Friesland, Netherlands which gives information on this place, where it is currently located, and where is was previously located. This is exactly how we want this process to work. Users can also choose to use the term Nederland instead of Netherlands - they will still match correctly.

This will be a challenge to implement, but will be no more difficult to use in the long-run. It has the potential to provide users more information. For example: an ancestor was born in Farmsum. A page titled Farmsum, Groningen, Netherlands is ok - but Place:Farmsum, Delfzijl, Groningen, Netherlands is even better. Now I see that I can go to the Delfzijl Geboorteregister to find their record. The register books are arranged by gemeente, and the events for each town appear within. It makes sense to me to arrange WR the same way. Go to the Friesland page - see the gemeente - click on a gemeente - see the towns within.

A valuable resource that will help in a renaming project is the Repertorium van Nederlandse gemeenten 1812-2006. I know that Klaas has another book that he references, though I cannot locate the title at them moment. --Jennifer (JBS66) 09:27, 9 December 2010 (EST)

Mijn boek: Van Goor's aardrijkskundig woordenboek van Nederland. Samengesteld door K. ter Laan en anderen. 's-Gravenhage, 1942.
Ik favoriseer ook de 4-delige plaatsnaam: plaats, gemeente, provincie, land, tenminste voor Nederland.--Klaas (Ekjansen) 15:22, 9 December 2010 (EST)

I will go ahead then and begin renaming some of the NL place pages (the pages that are currently duplicates) to the dorp, gemeente, provincie, Netherlands format. I'll also put a note on the Place:Netherlands page about the proposed place title format. --Jennifer (JBS66) 11:50, 10 December 2010 (EST)

Ik zie af en toe verschillen in de wikiverwijzing.

Soms staat er: Wikipedia NL en soms staat er: Huppelepup op Wikipedia NL.

Dat sluipt er per ongeluk in. Stel voor: de kortste formule (is minder werk, dus goedkoper:))

--Leo Bijl 11:43, 11 December 2010 (EST)

Wat is een Huppelepup? --Jennifer (JBS66) 11:48, 11 December 2010 (EST) Anything.
OK, ja.. I had changed my template in the middle of renaming these pages. I simplified it to read just Wikipedia NL. If you find some that still say Huppelepup Wikipedia NL, you are welcome to change them :-) --Jennifer (JBS66) 11:53, 11 December 2010 (EST)

Excellent, the shorter it is, the faster it goes, and the faster it goes, the cheaper it is. This is the Netherlands you know :)

--Leo Bijl 11:57, 11 December 2010 (EST)


So, that pins the standard layout for the province of Groningen down to:

Research Tips

External Links

Images [12 December 2010]

--Leo Bijl 12:23, 11 December 2010 (EST)

Ja, I am using a template that has this:

== Research Tips ==

==External Links==
*[http://nl.wikipedia.org/wiki/XXXX Wikipedia NL]

*[http://www.archieven.nl/zoeken?miview=gal1&mivast=0&mizig=115&miadt=5&milang=nl&mizk_alle=XXXX Foto's in the Groninger Archieven]
*[http://www.archieven.nl/zoeken?miview=gal1&mivast=0&mizig=52&miadt=5&milang=nl&mizk_alle=XXXX Prentbriefkaarten (postcards) in the Groninger Archieven]

Where the XXXX is replaced with the naam van de dorp and NNNN is the Family Search number that appears on some pages like this: {{source-fhlc|153550}}

If the place is a gemeente or Voormalige gemeente, then I added a link to the 1868 map

==Maps and Gazetteers==
*[http://www.atlas1868.nl/gr/XXXX.html 1868 Map for XXXX]

For the type field, I am not going crazy with kleindorp and this dorp and that dorp :-) I am simply putting Dorp...

There is probably more that could be added, but at the very least, I enjoyed adding and looking at the old photos! Also, most of these links only apply to Groningen - the template would need to be edited for other provincie. Feel free to offer suggestions for editing my template - or... follow behind and sweep up after me :-) --Jennifer (JBS66) 12:35, 11 December 2010 (EST)

They look good, the photographs are charming. We shall see later on other provinces; Keulen en Aken zijn niet op één dag gebouwd.

So, the standard sequence of the headings will be:

  • research
  • external
  • images
  • maps

We don't need: located in Groningen, until 1990; the town is not going anywhere :)

--Leo Bijl 15:52, 11 December 2010 (EST)

I think the only time I've put 'located in Groningen until 1990' is for the Voormalige gemeente like Place:'t Zandt, Groningen, Netherlands. It ceased being on its own in 1990, and was then incorporated into the gemeente of Loppersum. Do you propose leaving off the 'located in Groningen until 1990' because it didn't really cease being in that province? --Jennifer (JBS66) 15:57, 11 December 2010 (EST)

It hasn't gone anywhere, has it? We didn't cut the province apart (yet) and we didn't give any territory to Lower Saxony for a present either. If this one is in Loppersum now, then Loppersum is in Groningen; so is anything underneath.

A present - how sweet... just in time for the holidays. I will omit those types of dates then, on your advice. --Jennifer (JBS66) 16:13, 11 December 2010 (EST)

Other thing: we have f.e. Adorp and Adorp, Winsum, but you can't rename something into another which allready exists. How do we put them together then? (or just simply delete?)

We don't need to delete it, especially since there are pages that link to it. This is an example of where redirects are useful. I redirected Place:Adorp, Winsum, Groningen, Netherlands to Place:Adorp, Groningen, Netherlands by putting the following code into the text box on the page that you want to redirect (in this case Place:Adorp, Winsum, Groningen, Netherlands):

#REDIRECT [[Place:Adorp, Groningen, Netherlands]]

Oh?????????????? It says that NOWHERE. All I knew was...can't rename because etc etc

Are they not the other way around? 3 levels to 4?

That causes the person watching the redirected page to be added as a watcher to the other page. The links will also remain intact this way. If you do redirect a page like this, be sure to move over pertinent information first, because once you add the redirect code, the information on that page will be lost. --Jennifer (JBS66) 18:33, 11 December 2010 (EST)


I redirected Place:Adorp, Winsum, Groningen, Netherlands to Place:Adorp, Groningen, Netherlands because Adorp was its own gemeente until 1990, at which point it was absorbed into Winsum. So, I'm keeping that title of the page as it was around 1900. --Jennifer (JBS66) 18:45, 11 December 2010 (EST)

Ah yes, well, typically the sort of thing I will keep forgetting for my life on end; totally incompatible to a man of Letters.

These the same as yours?: (tip from Lidewij) http://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/Category:Gemeente_Atlas_van_Nederland_-_Groningen

They are the same map - from Kuijper. The maps from http://www.atlas1868.nl are in color, and appear copyrighted "Ongevraagd overnemen en herpubliceren van afbeeldingen van deze site in originele of aangepaste vorm is niet toegestaan. Heeft u een locale, regionale website dan kunt u indien gewenst meerdere links naar de subpagina's maken. Een bronvermelding naar www.atlas1868.nl wordt op prijs gesteld. " I don't know how Commons was able to make them free-use - it seems to go against atlas1868 copyright. Perhaps there is another source for these maps that fall within the public domain? --Jennifer (JBS66) 18:40, 11 December 2010 (EST)

I don't know either really. But for the rights not being on the book as such, but on the website (I take it); the other scans made by someone else, who gave it for naught (I presume).