WeRelate:Suggestions/Sorting surnames on source pages

Original Suggestion and Discussion

It appears that prefixes are sorting incorrectly in the Surname field on Source pages. For example, I enter the following surnames into the field: Abbot, Barker, Case, Dahl, Erwin, van Dijk, de Boer, De Boer, Van Dijk (notice the capitalization differences with De, de, Van, van).

The list is sorted and displayed in the field like this: Abbot, Barker, Case, Dahl, De Boer, Erwin, Van Dijk, de Boer, van Dijk

instead of like this: Abbot, Barker, Case, Dahl, De Boer, Erwin, Van Dijk The system is also not recognizing the duplicate entries (de Boer/De Boer and van Dijk/Van Dijk). --Jennifer (JBS66) 17:57, 13 October 2011 (EDT)

Neutral Watchers


Admin Follow Up (Nov 2016)

We are currently working through the backlog of old suggestions.

Analysis: Sort in Surname field still displays as above, however the system does recognize the duplicate entries (ex. Van Alst/van Alst) and only displays one search link for "Van Alst" in the side menu. Note: there is also the additional "Alst" link due to the compound surname.

Status: Open. Partially resolved.

Priority: 3 (low) --cos1776 19:34, 18 November 2016 (UTC)