WeRelate:Suggestions/Finding Duplicates

Please provide a very simplified (step by step method of finding and merging duplicate people, etc!)

I am not that familiar with your website and am a dumba$$ when doing new things. I nave tried to search for duplicates but it always looks for my user name when I am looking for ALL people in the tree that I uploaded. So EXACTLY/SPECIFICATELY how do I go about finnding duplicates in the tree that I uploaded?


I believe there is some confusion (besides the obvious) underlying this suggestion. Based on the user's Talk page, he has not yet uploaded a GEDCOM beyond the Review stage. I am not sure which search function he is referring to, as I don't believe that there is one within the GEDCOM Review function, which automatically identifies suspected duplicate family pages in the Warnings tab. (Maybe the MyRelate>Show Duplicates?)--DataAnalyst 03:28, 21 October 2016 (UTC)

I am going to archive this suggestion because:

  • More detailed information of context would be required in order to answer this question - if this is forthcoming, it should be posted on the Support page instead of as a suggestion
  • We are in the process of (slowly) rewriting Help. Hopefully the appropriate functionality will be addressed as we do this.

--DataAnalyst 17:39, 17 April 2017 (UTC)