WeRelate:Suggestions/Auto Place matching - change request for Ward, District, Precinct, etc.

Original request

The auto Place match for place names that contain words like Ward, District, Precinct, etc. followed by a number is currently set to pipe everything to the same Place page, regardless of the number entered.

Ex. Place:Detroit Ward, Wayne, Michigan, United States links to entries made for all Ward numbers
Ex. Place:District, Carroll, Tennessee, United States links to entries made for all District numbers

The problem is that we do not title Place pages with the words Ward, District, Precinct, etc. in them, so it always creates Wanted page links that have to be fixed one by one.

Most of these come in with Ancestry.com census facts as a result of uploaders and reviewers not taking the time to match all of the place entries during the review process. This is somewhat understandable, since it can be a tedious task, but it is not acceptable, because it does not leave behind a working link.

I would like to request a minor change in the auto match [for US places] to ignore not only the number, but also the words Ward, District, Precinct, etc, so that a working link is created right away. Referring to the 2 examples above, please change it so that they pipe instead to

Ex. Place:Detroit, Wayne, Michigan, United States for all Ward numbers
Ex. Place:Carroll, Tennessee, United States for all District numbers
and so on ...

There will be no loss of information, since the original text entered is retained. Thank you, --cos1776 18:31, 7 July 2017 (UTC)

This comment is copied from User talk:Cos1776:

Your suggestion is going to make problems with places outside the US. In the UK in 1974 the top level of municipality within each county was changed to a "district". Because many new districts had been given the names of the geographically smaller principal town within, I had to think up some way of differentiating the new places from the old ones with the new names. After much consideration (use of brackets, etc), I decided that the new districts should be identified by keeping the word "District" in their title. Most of the 40 counties in England have now had their Districts labelled. It will be very difficult to distinguish the modern places from the old ones if the word District is dropped.

I've come across a number of people whose American placenames have required this kind of edit, and I simply move the district description to the box on the right.

Regards --Goldenoldie 19:24, 7 July 2017 (UTC)

Thank you for letting us know that you decided to structure English places a little differently. This shouldn't be a problem as it is certainly possible to restrict this change to U.S. places only. I believe that they are the only ones affected this way by the Ancestry.com entries. If anyone else knows any different, please speak up. I have amended the original request above. --cos1776 20:36, 7 July 2017 (UTC)