Transcript:Savage, James. Genealogical Dictionary of the First Settlers of New England/v4p541

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Volume 4, Page 541

coll. with this injunct. "that he do endeavor so far as he may with
conven. have them near unto him, wherever it please God to cast him."
By the inv. his est. appears �401. 14s. 2d. In his diary, the s. writes
"news is brot. to me." Friday, 14 Oct. 1653, "of my f.'s d. My f. d. 1
Oct." From New Haven to Cambridge the news pass. in thirteen days,
while in our time the traveller requires only half as many hrs. At
New Haven the inscript. on his gr.-st. back of the first ch. was alter.
from 1653 to 1678, as the fac simile in Stiles's Hist. of the Regicides
shows, with the vain surmise, that it had been erect. over Edward Whalley,
wh. prob. d. after 1670, but earlier than 1675. EDWARD, Cambridge,
youngest ch. of Rev. Michael, had been perhaps min. of some
town, whose importance was not such as to require the ment. of it in
the common repts. and prob. never ord. in any place, but taught a sch.
in Boston, call. to the chair of theolog. instr. estab. by Hollis only twelve
yrs. after taking his first degree in arts, as its first incumb. when he was
less than 30 yrs. old, inaug. 24 Oct. 1722, m. 15 June 1726, Sarah, d. of
the Hon. and Rev. John Leverett, Presid. of the coll. who d. 9 Nov. of
next yr. and by w. Rebecca, eldest d. of deac. Joseph Coolidge of the
same, m. 10 Sept. 1729, who d. 5 June 1754, had Rebecca, b. 18 June
1730; Edward, 7 Feb. 1632, H. C. 1749, successor in off. to his f.;
Mary, 26 Apr. 1733; and Sybil, 19 Sept. 1736, d. young; and he d. 19
Jan. 1765. MICHAEL, Malden, s. of the first Edward, b. in Eng. was
ord. 1654, but aft. serv. at the altar eight or nine yrs. his wretched
health, of wh. the melancholy influence runs sadly thro. his chief poem,
was forced to forego his min. above twenty yrs. and by first w. Mary,
whose surname is untold (but once eron. thot. to have been a d. of
John Rayner of Plymouth, tho. others suppos. her to have been a
Hobson of Rowley, and certain. was niece of that Rayner, and d. of
Humphrey of Rowley, wh. calls him s. in his will) wh. d. 21 Dec. 1659,
had Mercy, b. Feb. 1656. He partly regain. his strength and practis.
medicine until wholly restor. resum. labor in the pulpit. I have seen a
copious epistle to him from Rev. Nathaniel White, dat. "Overplus in
Somer Island, the 12th of the 7th mo. 1664,"acknowledg. rec. of his letter
of 12th of 5 mo. inform. of safe ret. to our shore. By w. Martha
he had Abigail, 20 Mar. 1681; Mary, 21 Sept. 1682; Martha, 21 Dec.
1683; Esther, 16 Apr. 1685; Dorothy, 22 Feb. 1687; and Samuel, 4
Feb. 1689, H. C. 1707, the min. of Ipswich Hamlet or Hamilton. This
w. wh. prob. was d. of Thomas Mudge of M. d. Sept. 4 or 11, as inscript.
may be read, 1690, aged only 28 yrs. if the rec. be trust. and by third
w. of the name of wh. I believe the acco. of Farmer in MS. may be
rec. that she was Sybell, d. of the sec. Nathaniel Sparhawk, wid. of
Jonathan Avery, he had Edward, b. 1693, as is said, H. C. 1710, the