Transcript:Savage, James. Genealogical Dictionary of the First Settlers of New England/v3p319

Volume 3, Page 319

the old war. Yet he had in 1666 int. in the lds. at Newtown, L. I. and
some yrs. bef. his d. liv. at West Chester that was then thot. to belong
to Conn. Of the time of his m. or name of his w. inq. has been fruitless;
yet his descend. in our age has confid. that he had five ch. at least,
John, Daniel, Elizabeth Priscilla, and ano. ch. he calls his "oldest d."
SAMUEL, Windsor, s. of the first John of the same, by w. Mary had
Samuel, b. 19 Oct. 1684; Rebecca, 20 Apr. 1687. His w. d. 3 Aug.
1690; and by Abigail perhaps had Rebecca, 9 July 1691; but very
confus. is the statem. in Stiles, 729-30. THOMAS, Charlestown 1644,
freem. 10 May 1648, by w. Hannah had Sarah, b. 29 Mar. 1647;
Thomas, 26 June 1649; Mary, 11 Mar. 1652; ano. ch. 30 Apr. 1654;
and Martha, 8 Oct. 1656; beside John, bapt. 19 Feb. 1660. He liv. on
Malden side, there had w. Sarah, who in Oct. 1651, stood up manfully,
with her sisterhood, in defence of Rev. Mr. Matthews against the Gen.
Court. In Feb. 1662, he and his w. were rec. into the ch. of Charlestown,
by dismiss. from M. but prob. he had a hankering for heresy, as he
next yr. united with Gould, as a Bapt. having embraced the opinions of
that sect. as early as 1658, tho. their ch. was not formed until May 1665.
See Budington, 56; Frothingham, 126, 166-170; and Hutch. Coll. 399.
Oft. the name is Ozban in rec. of Middlesex. THOMAS, New Haven
1639, perhaps br. of Richard, with far better est.; counted a fam. of six
in few yrs.; rem. to East Hampton, L. I. 1650, there, perhaps, had
Thomas, Jeremiah, and John, yet most of them may have been b. bef.
rem. or even in Eng. WILLIAM, Salem 1630, freem. 22 May 1639, by
w. call. in Felt's list of ch. memb. 1641, Frezwith or Freesweed, had
there, I think, no ch. rem. to Dorchester, and there town rec. ment. by
Frodiswerd his w. had Recompense, b. 26 May 1644, a. "six-o'clock
P. M." H. C. 1661, at Braintree had Hannah, 24 Aug. 1646; Bezaleel,
8 Mar. 1650; and some yrs. aft. at Boston, by prob. the same w. call.
Fredeswith and in Prov. rec. Freesweed, had Joseph, b. 6 Apr. 1652;
and Jonathan, 16 Nov. 1656. He was a merch. and he d. a. mid. life;
his inv. of 29 Apr. 1662 shows over £1000; well for that time. His
wid. m. John Mulford of South Hampton, Yorksh. E. Riding, and in
1670 sold to Rev. Antipas Newman of Wenham, that 10 acres granted
to. O. WILLIAM, Salem, m. 17 Mar. 1673, Hannah Burton, had Samuel,
b. 27 Apr. 1675; John, 27 Aug. 1677; Hannah, 2 Dec. 1679; and William,
3 May 1682. Ano. O. there was, unhappi. at Salem, Sarah, impris. at Boston
from 7 Mar. to 10 May 1692, on charge of witchcraft, wh. was not brot.
to trial bec. she d. in gaol. How tenderly alleviat. was the suffer. of her
latest hours, is nowhere told. She was, perhaps of that WILLIAM of
Salem, vill. freem. 1690. Since that was print. I discov. that her h. was
Alexander, as bef. herein told. WILLIAM, Braintree, had Bezaleel, b. 1650.
WILLIAM, Newtown, L. I. 1656-86. Riker. WILLIAM, New Haven,
d. 1662. His inv. of 29 Apr. is there. Five of this name at Harv. and
fifteen at other N. E. coll. had been gr. in 1834.