Transcript:Savage, James. Genealogical Dictionary of the First Settlers of New England/v1p199


Volume 1, Page 199

Puritan, Coll. Cambridge, where he had his degr. 1617, and 1621, and was
prob. ord. in Eng. but had no kn. cure, came in unkn. sh. at uncert. time,
for undiscov. cause, and sat down, alone, on the peninsu. now the ch. part
of Boston, where he contin. some four or five yrs. after the arr. of the
Gov. and comp. and was adm. freem. 18 May 1631, having req. that
benefit in Oct. preced. He rem. a. 1634, or 5 (and was the earliest
perman. civiliz. resid. in the unborn Col.) to the neighb. of Providence
(as it was soon after nam.), prob. from dissatisfact. with the puritan
rigidity of Mass., built his ho. on meadow at Study hill, as he nam. the
beautiful seclusion near the bank of a river, since call. Blackstone, as our
Secr. prefer. to spell his name, wh. is restored now to the true form, in
wh. I saw it writ. by hims. on the University books. His new resid.
was at the place since call. Cumberland; but he came to Boston once
more to m. 4 July 1659, Sarah, wid. of John Stephenson, had only s.
John, and d. 26 May 1675, a few weeks only bef. the gr. Ind. war, in
wh. his planta. was destroy. Right to admin. on his est. and give
guardiansh. to his s. was assum. by Plymouth Col. wh. reckon. their
bounds to include that spot, and the discretion of the governm. of R. I.
prevent. controv. a. jurisdict. It is presum. that the fam. name is not
extinct, tho. for many yrs. by many writers the supposit. was confident.
entertain. Very respect. descend. have for five or six generat. enjoy. an
est. at Branford, wh. was prob. acquir. by his gr.s. Diligent research by
L. M. Sargent, Esq. ten yrs. since was crown. with satisfact. result, and
his regard for the character of the emigrant was exhibit. in copious
publicat. of the process of inq. See Holmes, Ann. I.; Winthrop I. 44
and 5; 2 Mass. Hist. Coll. X. 170; and 3 Mass. Hist. Coll. VIII. 247;
Bliss, Hist. of Rehoboth; Daggett's Hist. of Attleborough, 29.

    BLAYDEN, WILLIAM, New Haven 1641, d. late in 1661, prob. unm.
The inv. of 3 Jan. foll. shows petty est.

    BLEASE, JOHN, Cambridge, bur. 23 Apr. 1646, may be misspelt, or is
a strange name on rec.

    BLETHIN, JOHN, Salem, m. 10 May 1674, Jane Marks, had John, b.
14 Mar. 1677.

    BLETSO, THOMAS, Bristol, 1688, had w. and two serv. but no ch. nor
is any thing more told of him.

    BLIGH, JOHN, Salem. See Bly. THOMAS, Boston 1652, sailmaker,
was perhaps that man nam. in Hutch. Coll. 267, and Haz. Hist. Coll. II.
359, serv. in the expedit. under Willard, 1654, for bring. Ninicraft to
submit. He had Thomas, b. 1656, and prob. was expos. to maledict. as
a Quaker 1658, m. 10 Sept. 1691, Sarah, wid. of William Everton.
THOMAS, Boston, s. of the preced. m. Sarah Reynolds.

    BLIN, PETER, Wethersfield, had four ch. b. 1675-81; but the names
are not seen.

    BLINMAN, RICHARD, Gloucester 1641, came from Chepstow, in Co.
Monmouth, that is separat. from Gloucestersh. only by the riv. Wye.
There he had preach. and with much effect, if it be true, as is said, that
many wh. accomp. or follow. him from home, and had with him first set