Transcript:Early Walker Land Purchases in Kent County, DE, c.1680



Conrad, 1908, History of the State of Delaware


Colonial Walkers of Marylands Eastern Shore
Data. Marylands Eastern Shore Walkers
Notebooks. Marylands Eastern Shore Walkers


The land of Kent County was disposed of by patents, grants and warrants from the Proprietaries or their Governors, and from the Whorekill Court. One Christian, the Indian, alias Petrocaquewam, seems also to have assumed the right to make grants in Kent County, styling himself lord and owner of all the land between St. Jones and Duck creek. He granted "Lisburn" to John Brinckloe, February 21, 1681, for three match coats, twelve bottles of drink, four double handfuls of powder and four of shot. The same tract was warranted to Brinckloe by the Whorekill Court, 1679-1680, he receiving his patent in 1684. John and Richard Walker also pur- chased land of Petrocaquewam, their deed calling for the tract "Brother's Portion." In their deed, Petrocaquewam styles himself " Lord and owner of all the land between the Murder Kill and Duck creek." Doubtless the purpose of these pur- chases from Christian, the Indian, was simply the quieting of titles.