

This is based on the template {{Googlemap}} You can also embed a GoogleMap directly onto a WeRelate page. Please see the instructions for that here.

To add a link to an Open Street Map map to a page, use the following code:

{{OpenStreetMapmap|latitude|longitude|link text|(not used)|zoom level|map type}}

Coordinates can be entered either as decimal-degrees or degrees-minutes-seconds. To enter cordinates in decimal-degrees, just enter decimal numbers; e.g., {{OpenStreetMapmap|37.123|-74.567|...}}. To enter coordinates in degrees-minutes-seconds, separate the pieces by plus signs. For example, to enter 37 degrees 18 minutes 45 seconds North, 74 degrees 30 minutes 10 seconds West you would enter {{OpenStreetMapmap|37+18+45|-74+30+10|...}}.

The link text, label, zoom level, and map type are optional parameters.

Map type is M for normal map, C for cycle map (with elevation) t for transport, or q for MapQuest. These types differ from those on the {{Googlemap}} template.