Talk:A Glossary of Mining Terms


Should this list be reduced to terms that refer to people or jobs that a person performs? The goal of werelate is to promote genealogy and not be an encyclopedia. The mining jobs are helpful when reading documents and trying to understand what the person was doing. It may also lead to a category for occupations.

Thxs --PeterP 19:39, 26 November 2007 (EST)

I am assuming here that this is a general question to WeRelate. If you and Kopuro are co-authoring this article, please ignore the rest of this message. In regards to whether the mining terms are appropriate: what one person finds helpful in their research others might not. As long as the material is not offensive, WeRelate allows anyone to post information they find genealogical.  :-)--sq 09:41, 27 November 2007 (EST)
Thxs for feed back. It was a general question. I am trying to sort out how wiki's work and how things happen. It seems so unguided it is hard to imagine that pieces will ultimately fit together into a whole. Excuse my blathering. It seems to me that a person stakes out a patch to be their garden and then tends to it.

Thxs Peter --PeterP 16:04, 27 November 2007 (EST) ps I just learned to use double colans to indent.. whooo hoo, what a steep learning curve this is going to be...