Source:Wentworth, John. Wentworth Genealogy

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Source The Wentworth Genealogy
English and American
Author Wentworth, John
Surname Butler, Clark, Clarke, Cogswell, Hall, Hayes, Horne, Long, Ricker, Roberts, Rollins, Twombly, Wentworth
Subject Family tree
Publication information
Type Book
Publisher Little, Brown and Company
Date issued 1878
Place issued Boston
Number of Volumes 3
Wentworth, John. The Wentworth Genealogy: English and American. (Boston: Little, Brown and Company, 1878).
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Internet ArchiveVolume 2Archive/Library
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Google BooksVolume 3Free website


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May be ordered through the nearest Family History Center. Available online at the Family History Archives.


Volume 1

Two conflicting entries concerning the marriage of Jonathan Downs and Abigail Ricker.
The conflicts appear on pages 130 and 133. Two different Abigail Rickers are married to the same Jonathan Downs. The two Abigails are Abigail Ricker, the daughter of Moses Ricker and Sobriety Knox, and Abigail Ricker, the daughter of Aaron Ricker and Mary Knox. In his Additions and Corrections on page 664, John Wentworth addresses this problem, "Page 134, line 7. Erase entire account of marriage with Jonathan Downs. This Downs married, not this Abigail5 (29a.5.5) Ricker, but her cousin Abigail5 (29a.4.2), daughter of Moses4 (29a.4) Ricker, as correctly given on page 130." His conclusion may be in error as the date of birth he gives on page 130 for Abigail Ricker, 19 Dec 1767, is inconsistent with Lebanon Vital Records, which indicates 3 Oct 1767. New Hampshire Genealogical Record (7:51) also indicates that the birth for the Abigail Ricker who married Jonathan Downs is 19 Dec 1767.

FHL film numbers

  • 896814 Item 2
  • 896815 Item 1