Source:Mundy, Richard. Middlesex Pedigrees

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Source Middlesex pedigrees as collected by Richard Mundy in Harleian MS. No. 1551
Author College of Arms (United Kingdom)
Mundy, Richard
Armytage (ed.), George John
Place Middlesex, England
Subject Family tree
Publication information
Type Book
Publisher Harleian Society
Date issued 1914
Place issued London
Periodical / Series name Publications of the Harleian Society [Visitation series] 65
References / Cites Harl. MS. 1551
College of Arms (United Kingdom); Richard Mundy; and George John Armytage (ed.). Middlesex pedigrees as collected by Richard Mundy in Harleian MS. No. 1551. (London: Harleian Society, 1914).
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  • 162073