Source:Maclean, John. Visitation of the County of Gloucester

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Source The visitation of the county of Gloucester, taken in the year 1623, by Henry Chitty and John Phillipot …
with pedigrees from the Herald's visitations of 1569 and 1582–3, and sundry miscellaneous pedigrees
Author College of Arms (United Kingdom)
Maclean, John
Heane (eds.), W. C. (William Crawshay)
Place Gloucestershire, England
Year range 1569 - 1623
Subject Family tree
Publication information
Type Book
Publisher Harleian Society
Date issued 1885
Place issued London
Periodical / Series name Publications of the Harleian Society [Visitation series] 21
References / Cites Harl. MSS. 1041, 1543
College of Arms (United Kingdom); John Maclean; and W. C. (William Crawshay) Heane (eds.). The visitation of the county of Gloucester, taken in the year 1623, by Henry Chitty and John Phillipot …: with pedigrees from the Herald's visitations of 1569 and 1582–3, and sundry miscellaneous pedigrees. (London: Harleian Society, 1885).
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  • 162052 Item 2