Source:England. Allegations for Marriage Licences Issues by the Bishop of London

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Source Allegations for marriage licences issues by the Bishop of London, [1520 to 1828]
Author Chester, Joseph Lemuel
Armytage (ed.), George John
Place England
Year range 1520 - 1828
Subject Church records
Religion Anglican/Church of England
Publication information
Type Book
Publisher Harleian Society
Date issued 1887
Place issued London
Periodical / Series name Publications of the Harleian Society [Visitation series] 25, 26
Number of Volumes 2
Chester, Joseph Lemuel, and George John Armytage (ed.). Allegations for marriage licences issues by the Bishop of London, [1520 to 1828]. (London: Harleian Society, 1887).
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  • 162054 Items 1-2
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