Source:England. Allegations for Marriage Licences Issued from the Faculty Office of the Archibishop of Canterbury at London 1543 to 1869

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Source Allegations for marriage licences issued from the Faculty Office of the Archibishop of Canterbury at London, 1543 to 1869
Author Chester, Joseph Lemuel
Armytage (ed.), George John
Place England
Year range 1543 - 1869
Subject Church records
Religion Anglican/Church of England
Publication information
Type Book
Publisher Harleian Society
Date issued 1886
Place issued London
Periodical / Series name Publications of the Harleian Society [Visitation series] 24
Chester, Joseph Lemuel, and George John Armytage (ed.). Allegations for marriage licences issued from the Faculty Office of the Archibishop of Canterbury at London, 1543 to 1869. (London: Harleian Society, 1886).
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  • 162053 Item 2