Source:Armytage, George John. Visitation of the County of Surrey, Begun Anno Dni. MDCLXII, Finished Anno Dni. MDCLXVIII

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Source A visitation of the county of Surrey, begun anno dni. MDCLXII., finished anno dni. MDCLXVIII
Author Bysshe, Edward
Armytage (ed.), George John
Place Surrey, England
Year range - 1668
Subject Family tree
Publication information
Type Book
Publisher Harleian Society
Date issued 1910
Place issued London
Periodical / Series name Publications of the Harleian Society [Visitation series] 60
References / Cites Heralds' College MS. D. 15; also British Museum Add. MS. 5533
Bysshe, Edward, and George John Armytage (ed.). A visitation of the county of Surrey, begun anno dni. MDCLXII., finished anno dni. MDCLXVIII. (London: Harleian Society, 1910).
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  • 162071 Item 1