Source:Allen, Luther Prentice. Genealogy and History of the Shreve Family from 1641

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Source The genealogy and history of the Shreve family from 1641
Author Allen, Luther Prentice
Surname Shreve
Subject Family tree
Publication information
Type Book
Publisher Priv. print.
Date issued 1901
Place issued Greenfield, Ill.
Allen, Luther Prentice. The genealogy and history of the Shreve family from 1641. (Greenfield, Ill.: Priv. print., 1901).
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As with all genealogies from the Victorian era, this book contains some pure speculation as well as romantic myth about the origins of the family. It should be used with caution. The genealogy sections contain much useful information. Much of it is taken from Source:Austin, John Osbourne. Genealogical Dictionary of Rhode Island.

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THE GENEALOGY AND HISTORY OF THE SHREVE FAMILY & EARLY SHREVE FAMILIES 1641-1750 The ancestry of the Shreve family emerges from tradition when the annuls of Plymouth, Mass., and Portsmouth, R. I., at an early date after the landing of the Mayflower record the name of “Sheriff.” Dec. 7th, 1641, at Plymouth, Thomas Sheriff was a complainant in an action of trespass, and twenty-five years later, Dec. 10th 1666, he was grantor in a conveyance at Portsmouth. An inventory of his estate was filed at Portsmouth June 11th, 1675. In these vicinities then they must have lived and died. He was very probably born before 1620, and his wife, Martha ________, not later than 1635. His death occurred May 29th, 1675, aged fifty-five years or more, while she survived at least sixteen years, marrying a second and third time, respectively, Thomas Hazard and Lewis Hues. The latter, it seems, absconded within seven weeks of their marriage, taking with him much property belonging to his wife, which occasioned her to transfer her remaining property subject to certain provisions for her maintenance during her lifetime to her son John. The traditional ancestry of the Shreve family is very interesting and entertaining, as presented by the late Samuel H. Shreve, civil engineer of New York City, who, during the latter years of his life, devoted much time and labor to the study of the ancestry of the family. Mr. Barclay White, an authority on the early families of Burlington County, New Jersey, has contributed the following from his pen:

Mount Holly, N. J., 7 mo. 9. 1895. L.P. Allen, Greeting:

The late Sam’l H. Shreve, C.E., of New York City, under date Dec., 4, 1883, addressed me as follows:

I have been interested in the subject of the Shreve family for some years and have embraced every opportunity to add to my stock of information.

From the time of the Caleb Shreve who settled at Mount Pleasant, Mansfield Township, Burlington County, New Jersey, I am satisfied that what I have is authentic. Previous to that it is traditional, but I believe mainly correct. The first Shreve of whom I have any account was Sir William Shreve, who came from the Southeastern part of Europe, some say Greece, others hint at Turkey, in both of which countries, especially in the latter, the name Sheriff was not uncommon, but borne by Mohammedan families. I cannot fix the time of Sir William. He married Elizabeth Fairfax (tradition says Lady Elizabeth, but I always suspect titles, etc., in family traditions), and had a son William, who married a young lady of Amsterdam by the singular name of Ora Ora, or Oara Oara, the daughter of a wealthy nobleman. I have no doubt of Oara being an ancestress of the family.

After their marriage, the story of which is quite romantic, they came to Portsmouth, R.I. They had positively two sons, Caleb and John, and probably a third, William, who left no descendants. We are now able to make a guess at the date of Caleb’s birth from an old deed still in the family. This deed is from John Cooke of Portsmouth, Colony of Rhode Island, to John Shreve of the same town, and conveys three-fourths of all his right and property at Shrewsbury, N. J. Deed is dated January 9th, 1676-7; on the back is a transfer from the said John Shreve to his beloved brother, Caleb Shreve.

Caleb Shreve received warrants for land from the East New Jersey proprietors as early as 1676. He was certainly of age at the time, and it would be safe to assume that his birth occurred about 1650-1655. Allowing thirty years to a generation, we would have the date of the birth of Sir William, 1590, which is confirmed by the tradition that he was born in the latter part of the Sixteenth century.

This account, you will notice, does not agree with Savage’s guess work, referred to by Mr. Saltar, in the Mount Holly, (New Jersey) Mirror of April 4th last, that John Shreve of Portsmouth was the son of Thomas of Massachusetts.

I will give you the sources of the tradition of Caleb Shreve’s ancestors. I have several statements made by members of the family some fifty to seventy-five years ago, but the best of all, or the one which the few since discovered by me have confirmed the most, is that which comes from Col. Israel Shreve, who died in 1799. He was grandson of Caleb, and took a very great interest in family matters. He was very young when his father died; but there continued to live with the family two persons, James Yarnell and Betty Martin, who had been in the service of Col. Shreve’s father long before the death of his grandfather, and who lived to a very great age. Col. Shreve’s statement is the fullest of all. The descendants of Caleb Shreve who remained in Burlington County seemed to have taken the least interest in family history. Col. Shreve, after the Revolutionary war, moved to the western part of Pennsylvania, and his descendants are scattered through- out the West, chiefly in Louisville and St. Louis. It was from them that I obtained his statement. From a descendant of Col. Shreve’s eldest brother, now living in London, I obtained an account of the family almost identical with the other; therefore, I conclude that this tradition was believed in by Caleb Shreve’s son, Benjamin, the father of Israel.

The only discrepancies in the written statements that are of consequence in this connection, is whether Caleb Shreve was born in this country or in England. He died in 1741, or sixty-five years after he purchased at Shrewsbury, N. J., so the he must have been, supposing him to have been twenty-one at the latter time, at least eighty-six when he died. Hence, if born in England, he was very young when he came to this country. It is also evi-dent, from his purchases, that when young he was possessed of considerable means.

I do not think that Caleb Shreve ever lived on Long Island, but he married there Sarah, daughter of Derick or Diedrick Are-son, of Flushing. I do not know the date of his marriage, nor when he moved to Shrewsbury Township, N. J.; both events occurred probably about 1680. In different conveyances he is described as “Planter.” His name is spelled in various ways, but by himself always Shreve. He lived on Narumsunk, now mis-called Rumson Neck. He served as grand juror in the years 1692-3-4. Before coming to Burlington County he resided in Freehold, Monmouth, New Jersey, N. J., for a few years, probably removing there from Narumsunk about 1692.

He purchased Mount Pleasant, in Mansfield Township, the old homestead that has been in the possession of the family ever since, and now belongs to my cousin, Benjamin F. Shreve, of Mount Holly, N. J., in April, 1699, and moved there immedi-ately. An account of the title to this place is in the New Jersey Mirror of March 28th last. A portion of the house in which Caleb Shreve lived is still standing. I mean that part of which the first story is of brick, the westerly end thereof, built in 1725, the east-erly, as the date states, in 1742. The house is historical and I should be sorry to see it pass out of the family, or be neglected. From what I have said you will see whence came the story that Caleb Shreve came from Amsterdam, his mother was a native of that city, as was his wife’s father, and it is possible she may have been born there. I may mention that Col. Shreve’s family still possess some silver trinkets and spoons that once belonged to Oara. Caleb Shreve died in 1741; his wife, Sarah, was living in 1735, but I do not know when she died.

I do not know whether the first Caleb was a Friend, or not. I am inclined to think he was. He was rich enough to provide handsomely for all his sons, except Benjamin, before his death. To Benjamin he left by his will the homestead and considerable other property. Benjamin was a Friend. Of the children of Ben-jamin, Caleb, William, who was a Colonel in the State service; Israel, colonel of the Second New Jersey Regiment, Continen-tal line; Samuel, who was a lieutenant-colonel in the state service, took a very active part in the Revolutionary war. Caleb, who was often called Colonel, though I do not know he had any com-mission, with a few militia resisted the British at Crosswick Creek, and in personal combat shot the British officer. Israel Shreve received his first commission in 1775, was in the attack on Quebec. In 1776 he was made Colonel of the Second New Jersey, and was in active service throughout the war. He was a man of noble character and a pure patriot, of whom all Shreve’s may well be proud, and who was an honor to his state. I intent sometime soon to publish his life and correspondence. I have about two hundred letters written to his wife during the war, letters to and from General Washington and very many other prominent officers of the army. Israel’s son, John, was a Lieutenant in his father’s regiment. His son, Henry M., distin-guished himself in improving the western steamboats and clear-ing the out Red River Raft. Shreveport was named after him. I have also a great deal of his correspondence. He commanded a battery at the Battle of New Orleans. My grandfather was a Captain and saw active service during the Revolutionary war. There were two or three others of the family who were soldiers, so that notwithstanding their Quaker blood, the family was well represented among the American patriots. The romantic story of Oara Oara, as forwarded to me by the late Samuel H. Shreve:

Sometime about the close of the Sixteenth, or the beginning of the Seventeenth century, Sir William Shreve, Knight, lived upon the Isle of Wight. Of his life but little is known; traditions in regard to his early history vary. One says he came from Italy, others that he came from Greece, others that he was a native of Southeastern Europe. To account in these cases for his name, which is apparently English, it is said he changed it when he came to England, or, that it was originally Sheriff, a name that formerly was not uncommon in Greece, but was of Mohammedan origin, signifying, first, a descendant of Mahomet, and after, a nobleman. After his arrival in England he was knighted. Proba-bly he was an Englishman who had been sent on some service in Italy or Greece by his government, and was rewarded for his conduct by a knighthood.

He married Lady Elizabeth Fairfax, and had a son, William. Tradition sayÊ nothing of other descendants. The Fairfax family at that time were very prominent in England, and Sir William’s THE GENEALOGY AND HISTORY OF THE SHREVE FAMILY 12 marriage with one of its members indicates the high position in society he held.

William, the son, from his childhood upwards was a great favorite with the Lady Abbess of a convent in England, who was an old and intimate friend of his parents, and whom he fre-quently visited. At this convent, as is the custom at the present day, many young ladies, not only of the country, but of foreign countries, were educated. Among these young ladies was a niece of the Abbess, the only daughter of the latter’s brother, a wealthy nobleman living in Amsterdam, Holland, whose surname was Oara, and who had christened his daughter, Oara.

William and Oara met at the convent, and there occurred the old story even in those old days, and there never was a time so old that it was not the older old story, and then, as now and ever will be, the new, newest, sweetest story. William’s young and im-pressionable heart knew henceforth no owner but the gentle and fair Oara.

Owing to the Abbess’ warm affection for the one and her re-lationship to the other, William had many opportunities of meet-ing the young lady, and consequently becoming more and more devoted and attached to her, and, as the result showed, his at-tentions were not disagreeable.

The Abbess perceived, too late to mend it, the state of affairs, and though she would have been pleased with the union of her two young friends, felt it her duty, regretting her previous blind-ness, to write immediately to her brother. She acquainted him with the fact, knowing her pupil’s and her friend’s characters, that their mutual attachment was of no trifling nature; she men-tioned William’s position in society, her high opinion of him, and strongly recommended him to her brother’s favor. William’s visit to the convent after the Abbess’ discovery were so restricted that his interviews or meetings with Oara were limited to chance, the Abbess acting as discreetly as pos-sible without betraying her knowledge of their feelings towards each other. This course produced the effect that was not in-tended, and soon led to a declaration by William of his love, which he found was reciprocated, and the stolen meetings always ended with mutual pledges of faith and constancy.

The brother’s letter was as the gentle Abbess feared. He was indignant, and his letter was full of scorn and reproaches. His child to wed an Englishman? Never; even of superior rank to her own. But to marry one of inferior rank was a suggestion he could not have expected from his sister. The angry and disdain-ful letter closed with a peremptory demand that his daughter should be immediately sent home.

The Abbess immediately informed William that she had per-ceived his attachment for Oara, remonstrated with him on the folly of it, as the father would never consent; and that, therefore, she must prohibit meetings between them and send Oara home. William was obliged to submit, and the result of his pleadings was only to obtain the Abbess’ consent to a brief interview with the young lady, in which vows of constancy were renewed and each encouraged the other to hope for the future. Oara’s mother was not like her father, “who love nor pity knew,” but gradually came to sympathize with her daughter, who had told her everything. As time wore on and Oara’s love seemed to become stronger every day, the mother saw that her daughter’s life-long happiness depended upon William. She had already been strongly impressed in his favor by the warmhearted Abbess’ letter, and this impression had been made deeper by her confiding daughter. She consented at length to a visit from William, which was to be made without the knowledge of her husband.

During this time the young man had found means of com-municating with Oara, and when he received the permission to come to Amsterdam lost no time in setting upon the journey, and accompanied by a friendly clergyman, took passage in a vessel bound for Amsterdam, and to return in a short time to the Isle of Wight. Once in the city he made his presence known to Oara and her mother; the latter, after much hesitation, consented to the private marriage of the young couple. This took place on board the vessel on the day of departure for the Isle of Wight, where the happy pair remained for some time. The mother soon found that it was impossible to reconcile the father, and Oara became so fearful of his power in England to separate her from her husband, that a safe refuge for them was sought in America. Thus the origin and cause of the Shreve family in America. Oara’s mother, at her marriage, gave her many presents, and she was by no means a penniless bride, some of her jewelry and silver (as claimed) is still in the possession of members of the family. Among other things that were brought was a picture of a coat of arms, which I was delighted to discover in the garret of a relative, when I was a boy. From the peculiar ornamenta-tion about the shield, the original picture was evidently made not less than about three hundred years ago, and it certainly was brought to this country by the family. I cannot find the name to which it originally belonged, whether Oara, Shreve, Fairfax or any other; and I have looked in many works on Heraldry. I have since found two copies of the same picture in the possession of members of the family. The motto “Fide et Constantia,” “with THE GENEALOGY AND HISTORY OF THE SHREVE FAMILY 14 Faith and Constancy,” seems quite appropriate for William and Oara.

I give you above and in previous letters, all my authority as to the parentage of Caleb Shreve. Very Respectfully, BARCLAY WHITE.

This splendidly written account is at this date considered ac-curate in statement and conclusions by those that have subse-quently studied Shreve ancestry, with the exception that Caleb Shreve, of New Jersey, is acknowledged the son of Thomas Sheriff, or Shreve, of Rhode Island Colony. This requires the removal of the traditional ancestry back one generation and a correction of assumed dates and facts to conform, making Will-iam Shreve that married Elizabeth Fairfax [sic], born about 1590,and Sir William Shreve that married Oara Oara born about 1560. Nine years after Mr. Samuel H. Shreve wrote Mr. White the preceding letters, Mr. Caleb D. Shreve, of Medford, N. J., now residing in Mount Holly, wrote Mr. Francis Bagley Lee, of Trenton, N. J., each of whom are genealogists of authority, as follows:

Genealogy of the Shreve family in New Jersey, commencing with Caleb Shreve to Caleb D. Shreve, the writer, October 29th, 1892:

I have in my possession the original deed from John Cooke, Senior, to John Shreve, both of Portsmouth, R.I., by which he conveys to the said John Shreve certain lands in Shrewsbury, N. J., bearing the date the 9th of January, 1676 or 1677, and which deed has on it the assignment thereof by John Shreve to his beloved brother, Caleb Shreve. As the Shreves first settled near Shrewsbury, this deed approximately fixes the date of their arrival. The brother, John, is supposed to be the ancestor of the Shreves in New England. Caleb Shreve the First afterward moved to the farm called “Mount Pleasant,” in Mansfield Township, in the County of Burlington, about three miles from what is now the village of Columbus. The “Mount” Pleasant is a small but quite conspicu-ous round-topped hill in one of the fields. The name of Caleb’s wife is sometimes spelled Aaronson. She was the daughter of Diedrich Areson, of Dutch ancestry, and through her it is said that the Shreve family are the rightful heirs of a fortune of about twenty millions of dollars over in Holland. In August, 1685, the proprietors of the eastern division of New Jersey granted a warrant to Jacob Coal and Caleb Shreve (by the name of Caleb Sheriff), to lay out or locate one hundred acres of land, fifty acres at a place called Fe-pe-que-work-qua, Book L of Warrants, page 33, Surveyor General’s office, Perth Amboy. On January 22nd, 1687, patent was granted to Caleb Shreve (by the name of Caleb Sheriff) for eighty-two acres of land on Rumson Neck and a branch of the Shrewsbury River. Book B of East Jersey Deeds and Patents, page 274, at Perth Amboy or Trenton.

On April 22nd, 1699, deed of Richard French to Caleb Shreve for three hundred and twenty-five acres at “Mount Pleasant,” and on which Caleb Shreve settled and which is still in the family, excepting that one hundred and twenty-five acres of it, which Caleb Shreve sold on February 7th, 1812 (Book M, page 413, at Mount Holly), conveyed to Thomas Kinsey. The deed from Richard French to Caleb Shreve is recorded at Trenton in Book B of Deeds, folio 643. Twenty-five days after purchasing of French, Caleb Shreve and Sarah, his wife, late of Freehold, Monmouth, New Jersey, in Monmouth County, that is to say on May 15th, 1699, conveyed sundry tracts of land to Charles Hubs, of Mandamus Neck, L. I., consideration 180 pounds, on tract bounded on the north by Burlington Path (which went from Burlington to Freehold, Monmouth, New Jersey and forked about one-half mile east of Freehold, Monmouth, New Jersey, one branch going to Shrewsbury and the other to Middleton), and south by Passaquamequa brook, and one lot or meadow at or near the head of Manasquan brook. The said Caleb, January 11th, 1700, purchased of David Curtiss the farm between Upper Springfield Meeting House and Wrightstown (his son Joshua afterwards lived there). Book AAA of Deeds, page 371, at Trenton. The said Caleb Shreve conveyed this last mentioned farm to his son Joshua, by deed dated 12th mo., 11, 1711. The said Caleb Shreve’s will dated April 5th, 1735, and proved February 18th, 1740, is of record in the office of the secretary of state, at Trenton, in Book N 4 of Wills, page 267.

Benjamin Shreve, son of the first Caleb Shreve, was born in 1706. His will is dated March 14th, 1750-51, and recorded in the office of the secretary of state, at Trenton, in Book 7, page 47. His son, Caleb, grandson of Caleb the first, was born in 1734, and died in 1792. His son Benjamin, great grandson of Caleb the first, was born in 1759 and died in 1844. His son, Caleb, grandson of the grandson of Caleb the first, was born in 1788 and died in 1848. His son, Caleb D. (myself), was born in 1833, and my son, Caleb Edgar, was born in 1877. I now reside with my family in Mount Holly, having moved here from Medford in 1889.

Aside from the dates of birth and marriages, and the names of parents and the parties contracting marriage recorded in the monthly meetings of the Society of Friends, it is nearly impos-sible to ascertain the history of any family, excepting it is of unusual prominence in the early colonies of the United States. THE GENEALOGY AND HISTORY OF THE SHREVE FAMILY 16 This is especially true of the class known as “early pioneers.” The means of disseminating knowledge of current events were meager, and the motive was nearly entirely wanting. Printing was expensive until after 1800, and mail facilities were hardy known. After the service was established in the more popu-lated districts between New York and Boston, it was uncertain and slow, and the tax of twenty-five cents on each letter, when received, was often a drain on the family finances, as it exceeded the value of a bushel of wheat. Communication, therefore, be-tween families in Massachusetts and New Jersey was infrequent, and required more time than now from San Francisco to London. The attention of the sturdy pioneer was occupied in wrestling sustenance for his family and his flocks from the fertile soil that abounded at every side, and in taking an active part in the local politics of the day. European emigrants brought little wealth, and when their kindred in the mother country left estates in which their descendants had an interest, before many years proofs of ancestry were difficult to secure, and other technical require-ments eventually caused such estates to revert under laws to the crown. Markets for extra products were few and often distant. Some of the more persevering and intelligent pioneers had homes em-bellished with a little more than the domestic life compelled, but the vast majority were not nearly so fortunate. Wearing apparel from head-wear to foot-wear was “home-made.” The furniture of the primitive homes was rude and in keeping. It was no small part of the work of the women to supply the warm comfortable bedding for the household. The old Dutch ovens and open fireplaces were the facilities for cooking, and fire was supplied by flint, steel and tinder. The pine knot, tallow dip and genial fireplace afforded light for the long winter evenings. Medicinal herbs were gathered from the fields and forests, while the science of cure was learned from the friendly Indian. Books were scare and expensive, but the Bible was always the first to enter the household. Such were the surroundings of our early ancestors. Superior homes only came with development and advancing civ-ilization. Many in those times were unaware of better surround-ings and certainly never lived to enjoy them. It is, therefore, not surprising that the history of entire local-ities is summed up in a few lines, and that of individual families entirely lost. The old court and church records are the principal sources of information. The probate records afford the names of solvent persons and their heirs, with inventory of their estate; while it is the province of the church records to take notice of marriages and births, recording the names of all connected with those occurrences, and the dates they transpired. When parties were insolvent or married “outside” of the church, these records are unavailing, and the chain of descent is broken. These records are frequently imperfect, sometimes entirely lost, often only par-tially intelligible, but withal they are of inestimable value to genealogists. The next records of value are those attending the stirring events of the Revolutionary war, and from that period the obstacles to successful research are not so great. The ancestry of Thomas Sheriff, of Rhode Island, may be tra-ditional, but the early records of that province show conclusively that he had eight children and was a property-owner when he died. As late as 1737 the members of the family that remained in the vicinity retained the name “Sheriff,” while Caleb, who had married and emigrated to New Jersey, adopted the form “Shreve.” Austin’s Dictionary of Rhode Island is authority for the fol-lowing: 1. THOMAS SHERIFF, was b.———, in ———; m. Martha ————, before 1649. He d. May 29th, 1675. (She m. (2) Thomas Hazard and (3) Lewis Hues.) Plymouth, Mass., Portsmouth, R. I. 1641, Dec. 7. He and William Brown complained against James Laxford in an action of trespass. They attached four goats and a lamb in the hands of Samuel Eddy and Joshua Pratt, amounting to 33s, and several other sums in other persons hands. 1666, Dec. 10. Portsmouth. He deeded Thomas Hazard a quarter of a share in Misquamicut, and also paid him 20 pounds, receiving in exchange therefor 30 acres in Portsmouth, and house, orchard, etc., all to belong to Thomas Hazard for life, and at the decease of Thomas Hazard to be for Thomas Sheriff and wife, Martha, for their lives, and at death of both of them to go to second son, John Sheriff, and heirs, and for want of issue of John to go to third son, Caleb Sheriff, etc. 1675, Jun. 11. Inventorys, £218, 12s., viz.: house and land £15, a horse and mare £7, 2 cows, 3 calves, 5 ewes, 5 lambs, 8 shoats, a feather bed, 6 pillows, 2 bolsters, 6 blankets, ring, flock bed, 56 pounds pewter, warming pan, silver dram cup, looking glass, &c. Her second husband, Thomas hazard made a declaration (just af-ter her husband’s death, 1675, May 29): “This is to satisfy all men, whom it may anyway concern, whereas there is a promise of matrimony betwixt Thomas Hazard and Martha Sheriff, yet I the foresaid Thomas Hazard do take the said Martha Sheriff for her own person, without having anything to do with her es-tate or with any thing that is hers” &c. 1691, Mar. 22. Martha Hues wife of Lewis Hues, made agree- ment with her son John Sheriff, which she had by former hus-band, whereas said Lewis Hues was lawfully married to his above named wife Martha, took an occasion privately to go away with-in six or seven weeks after he was married,D taking away great part of her estate, that was hers in her former husband’s time. She now surrenders all her estate real and personal to her son John, excepting provisions, bedding, &., and such things as she formerly gave her daughter Susanna Sheriff, John Sheriff to pay his mother £6, on Dec. 25th yearly for life, and thirty pounds good butter, and thirty pounds good cheese, and two barrels cider, two barrels apples, firewood, room at north east end of house she now lives in, east part of garden, and keep of a horse or mare, &c. 1719, Mar.17. The will of his daughter Elizabeth Carter, widow (proved 1719, Jul. 13), mentions her brothers John and Daniel Sheriff, sisters Mary Sheffield, Sarah Moon, and Susanna Thomas, besides nephews and nieces, &c. [Second Generation]. Children: 1. i. Thomas Sheriff; b. Sept. 2, 1649. 2. ii. John Sheriff; b. Portsmouth, R.I.; m. Jane Havens, Aug. 1686; d. Oct. 14, 1739. 3. iii. Caleb Sheriff; b. [about 1652; m. Sarah Areson, of Long Island, about 1680; d. Burlington County, N. J., 1741] 4. iv. Mary Sheriff; m. Joseph Sheffield, Feb. 12, 1685; d. after 1706. 5. v. Susannah Sheriff; m. ———Ê Thomas; d. after 1714. 6. vi. Daniel Sheriff; b. Little Compton, R.I..; m. Jane ———, 1688; d. 1737. 7. vii. Elizabeth Sheriff; m. Edward Carter (no issue); d. June 5, 1719. 8. viii. Sarah Sheriff; m. John Moon; d. June 24, 1732. 2. ii. JOHN SHERIFF (or SHREVE), the second child and second son of Thomas Sheriff and Martha ———, was b. in Portsmouth, R. I.; m. Jane Havens, dau. of John Havens and Ann ———. She d. after 1739. He d. Oct. 14th, 1739. 1680. Taxed 2s. 1739, Sept. 27. Will—proved 1739, Nov. 12. Ex. son John. To son John, my andirons, iron crow, spit and grindstone. To son Caleb 5s. To son Daniel £30, and two pewter platters. To son William £30, and two pewter platters, and all my bedding. To daughter Elizabeth Burrington 5s. To daughter Mary Fish 5s. To daughter-in-law, Mary Sheriff, wife of son John, £5, and a pewter platter. To grandson John, son of Caleb, £5. To son John, rest of personal.