Repository:Find A Grave

Repository Find A Grave
Postal Address Find A Grave
360 West 4800 North
Provo, UT 84604
Place Provo, Utah, Utah, United States


Find a Grave's mission is to find, record and present final disposition information from around the world as a virtual cemetery experience.

Memorial contributions to Find A Grave must fulfill that mission - registration of the final disposition. If the memorial contribution corresponds with only the main mission, then the memorial fulfills its purpose as part of Find A Grave's mission.

Find a Grave memorials may contain rich content including pictures, biographies and more specific information. Members can leave remembrances via 'virtual flowers' on the memorials they visit, completing the virtual cemetery experience.

Find A Grave is a resource for anyone in finding the final disposition of family, friends, and 'famous' individuals.

For further information, please review the Find A Grave FAQ Page