Repository:Fayette County Geneological & Historical Society (Illinois)

Repository Fayette County Geneological & Historical Society (Illinois)
Postal Address P.O. Box 177
Vandalia, IL 62471
Place Fayette County, Illinois

The URL was indexed in the Internet Archive. The latest "productive" archive page is from January 2009, and the earliest from May 2002. No successor site is indicated in the latter day pages. The last archived page indicates that this site was part of the "Discovery Illinois Genealogy Webring" ans was coordinated by a "Jonette Eddy".

In 2021, a link from Source:ILGenWeb - Fayette County indicated that the FCGS had a Facebook page, which cannot be accessed without logging into Facebook. This is the new repository link provided. The Postal Address provided comes from the ILGenWeb source page.