R1b Marker distribution of values, non-aligned



R1b Marker distribution of values, non-aligned
R1b Modal Marker Values for 4060 Kits extracted November 2912
YDNA R1b Haplogroup Marker Modes
YDNA Marker Mutation Rate vs Modes


The following data shows the distribution of 111 markers for the R1b Haplogroup, based on data extracted November 2012 from the FTDNA R1b Haplogroup Project. The data are presented in the normal FTDNA sequence. See YDNA R1b Haplogroup Marker Modes for additional detail, data source information, and discussion.

As displayed in Figure 1, below, the data are difficult to interpret. While there are obvious differences between different markers, any underlying pattern is not obvious. This is partially remedied by a) ordering the markers from smallest to largest, and b) centering the marker distributions along on their individual modes. The effect of taking these steps is shown in See Figure 2.


Figure 1:

Image:R1b Marker Distribution, non-aligned2.tiff

Figure 2:

Image:Modalized R1b Marker distribution.tiff