Place:South Lanarkshire, Scotland

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NameSouth Lanarkshire
Alt namesSiorrachd Lannraig a Deassource: Wikipedia
TypeUnitary authority
Coordinates55.667°N 3.75°W
Located inScotland     (1996 - )
See alsoLanarkshire, ScotlandParent
source: Getty Thesaurus of Geographic Names

image:LKS South parishes 66.png

the text in this section is copied from an article in Wikipedia

South Lanarkshire is one of 32 unitary authorities of Scotland. It borders the south-east of the City of Glasgow and contains some of Greater Glasgow's suburban towns, also containing many rural towns and villages. It also shares borders with Dumfries and Galloway, East Ayrshire, East Renfrewshire, North Lanarkshire, the Scottish Borders and West Lothian. It includes most of the historic county of Lanarkshire.

It also stretches south into a more rural area where farming and metal mining are the more favoured industries.

Research Tips

Little information of interest to genealogists and family historians will be found under this heading as it is such a modern foundation. Refer to Lanarkshire to find research tips and a list of parishes and towns that today are found in North Lanarkshire.

This page uses content from the English Wikipedia. The original content was at South Lanarkshire. The list of authors can be seen in the page history. As with WeRelate, the content of Wikipedia is available under the Creative Commons Attribution/Share-Alike License.