Place:New Garden, Chester, Pennsylvania, United States

NameNew Garden
Alt namesNew Garden Township
Coordinates39.8°N 75.75°W
Located inChester, Pennsylvania, United States     (1714 - )
Contained Places
New Garden Friends Cemetery

New Garden Township is a township in Chester County, Pennsylvania.

the text in this section is copied from an article in Wikipedia

New Garden Township is a township in Chester County, Pennsylvania, United States, which was organized in 1714. The population was 11,363 at the 2020 census.[1] New Garden is the center of the mushroom agribusiness in southeastern Pennsylvania with a higher concentration of composting, mushroom growing, packaging, and shipping businesses than in any other municipality in the area. It was named for the New Garden Friends' Meeting House, an eighteenth-century brick house of worship of the Religious Society of Friends, within its territorial limits.

source: Getty Thesaurus of Geographic Names
source: Family History Library Catalog

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