Place:Hugh Crawford Family Burial Ground, Blountville, Sullivan, Tennessee, United States


NameHugh Crawford Family Burial Ground
Located inBlountville, Sullivan, Tennessee, United States


Gravestones in 1957

ANDERSON, Nancy R. E. In Memory of Nancy R. E. Anderson born April 2, 1859 Died Nov. 15, 1862

BOY, Sarah Elizabeth Fain At Rest Mar. 2, 1855 May 27, 1901 Was an invalid 22 years from the effect of Rheumatism a great but patient suffer. Her life seemed to verify the words of Job: 3-15 Though he slay me yet will I trust in him. [stone broken in two parts]

BOY, William A. born May 20, 1824 died Jan. 4, 1901 [stone broken in two parts]

CRAWFORD, Thomas In memory of Our Father Thomas Crawford who died March 12, 1874 Aged 78 years He was not afraid to die for him to live was Christ, to die is gain.

CRAWFORD, Elizabeth D., died April 22, 1876 aged 73y’s 8 mo’s & 21 ds. Gathered in a good old age to the assembly of the righteous

CRAWFORD, Hannah (neè Gamble; 1758 – 16 Dec 1832)

CRAWFORD, Hugh (18 Feb 1762 – 2 Apr 1826)

CRAWFORD, In the memory of an infant son of Rev. W. H. & Sallie F. Crawford, Born Feb. 23, 1873

CRAWFORD, Infant Daughter of S. H. & F. A. Crawford Born & Died June 11, 1871

FAIN, Hannah C. Fain: Daughter of Thomas & Sarah Fain born May 31, 1813 died Jan. 30, 1881 Was blind, but now l see [stone broken]

FAIN, Hugh Crawford born Sept. 25, 1828 Died Sept. 3, 1907

FAIN, John, born Aug. 6, 1815 Died Sept. 19, 1839 Remember now thy Creator in the days of thy youth.

FAIN, Nicholas born Dec. 15, 1821 died Nov. 30, 1906

FAIN, Sarah: Wife of Thomas S. Fain born May 14, 1792 died Nov. 15, 1862. Blessed are the dead which die in the Lord. [stone broken]

FAIN, Thomas: born Dec. 11, 1784 died Feb. 2, 1862 As ye would that should do to you do ye also to them.

HALL, Jennett: In Memory of Jennett Wife of Samuel D. Hall born Apr. 8, 1808 died May 9, 1888

HALL, Jesse: In Memory of Jesse L. son of S. S. & C. J. Hall Died Jan. 13, 1871 aged 1 year 3 mo. & 21 days.

HALL, Samuel D.: In Memory of Samuel D. Hall Died Jan. 7, 1842 Aged 32 y. 3m. 29 days.

HAWK, Infant Daughter of W. R. and E. F. Hawk Feb. 7, 1907 Feb. 8, 1907 Budded on earth to bloom in Heaven.

STEPHENS, Elizabeth: In Memory of Elizabeth Stephens Died July 1, 1848, Aged 62 years, 5 mo. & 28 days

STEPHENS, Hugh C.: In Memory of Hugh C. Stephens Died July 29, 1829, Aged 18 years, 6 mo. & 18 days

STEPHENS, Rev. Samuel L. In Memory of Rev. Samuel L. Stephens Died Aug. 19, 1869 Aged 89 years, 9mo., 3 days