Place:Alzey-Worms, Rheinhessen-Pfalz, Rheinland-Pfalz, Germany

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Located inRheinhessen-Pfalz, Rheinland-Pfalz, Germany
Contained Places
Inhabited place

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Alzey-Worms is a district in Rhineland-Palatinate, Germany. It is bounded by (from the east and clockwise) the district Groß-Gerau (Hesse), the city of Worms and the districts of Bad Dürkheim, Donnersbergkreis, Bad Kreuznach and Mainz-Bingen.


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The territory was in Roman times part of the province of Germania Superior. The towns of Worms and Alzey go both back to Roman military camps. In medieval times the region was part of the Electorate of the Palatinate. After the French occupation (1797–1814) it was incorporated into the Grand Duchy of Hesse and formed a part of its province Rhenish Hesse.

Two districts named Alzey and Worms were established in 1835. In the reorganisation of the districts of Rhineland-Palatinate in 1969 the new district of Alzey-Worms was formed by merging parts of the former districts.

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