Person talk:Dorothy Unknown (19)

No record evidence that she is a sister of Richard Tuttle. [23 December 2011]

The Bill genealogy suggests that the widow Dorothy Bill may have been sister of Richard Tuttle based upon her "sojurn in his house" after the 1638 death of her husband. In the standard treatments of the St. Albans Tuttle family (Dawes-Gates, Hale-House, David L. Greene's articles in The American Genealogist, and Vol. 7 of The Great Migration), John and Dorothy Bill are not even mentioned in association with the Tuttles. The fact that Richard Tuttle took her in may imply some kind of family relationship, but one more remote than that of siblings. Until record evidence of a relationship between Richard Tuttle and Dorothy (-----) Bill is seen, there is no reason to call her a Tuttle and include her in the family of Simon.--jaques1724 05:31, 23 December 2011 (EST)