Person:William Gates (50)

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William Gates
m. 1727
  1. Israel Gates1727/28 - 1807
  2. William Gates1729/30 -
  3. Thomas Gates1732 -
  4. Makepeace Gates1735 - 1817
  5. Benjamin Gates1737 -
  6. Esther Gates1739 -
  7. Jonathan Gates1742 -
  8. Aaron Gates1744 -
  • HWilliam Gates1729/30 -
  • WJane Rice1734 - 1807
m. 21 Apr 1756
  1. Esther Gates1759 -
  2. Solomon Gates1761 -
  3. Jane Gates1764 -
  4. William Gates1768 -
  5. Aaron Gates1771 -
  6. Mary Gates1773 -
  7. Benjamin Gates1777 -
Facts and Events
Name William Gates
Gender Male
Birth[1] 14 Mar 1729/30 Worcester, Worcester, Massachusetts, United States
Marriage 21 Apr 1756 Barre, Worcester, Massachusetts, United Statesto Jane Rice
  1. Rice, Franklin P. Worcester Births, Marriages, and Deaths. (Worcester, Massachusetts: Worcester Society of Antiquity, 1894)

    GATES, William, s. of Benjamin and Bethulah, [born] March 14, 1729-30.