Person:Nicholas I of Werle (1)

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Nicholas I _____, of Werle
d.14 May 1277
m. 10 Mar 1233
  1. Henry I _____, Prince of Mecklenburg-GüstrowAbt 1234 - 1291
  2. John I of WerleAbt 1245 - 1283
  3. Bernhard I _____, of WerleAbt 1245 - Abt 1286
  4. Hedwig of Werle - 1287
  5. Unknown of Werle
Facts and Events
Name Nicholas I _____, of Werle
Gender Male
Birth[1] 1210
Marriage 10 Mar 1233 to Jutta of Anhalt
Death[1] 14 May 1277
Reference Number? Q84529

the text in this section is copied from an article in Wikipedia

Nicholas I, Lord of Werle ( – 14 May 1277), was Lord of Rostock from 1229 to 1234 and Lord of Werle from 1234 until his death.

In the division of Mecklenburg of 1234, he received the Lordship of Werle. He was regent of Rostock for his younger brother Henry Borwin III, until his brother came of age.

He waged war together with Duke Barnim I of Pomerania against the Margraviate of Brandenburg and lost Perleberg, Wesenberg and Penzlin. However, after the death of his brother Pribislaw I, he managed to secure Parchim, Plau and Goldberg for himself. In 1275, he arbitrated in a conflict between his sons.

He strongly supported the founding of cities in its territory. He saw this as a way to develop the land.

He died in 1277. After his death, his sons divided Werle between themselves.

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  1. 1.0 1.1 Nicholas I of Werle, in Wikipedia: The Free Encyclopedia.