Person:Henry Burt (4)

Henry Burtt
b.Est 1565
  • HHenry BurttEst 1565 - 1617
  • WIsett UnknownEst 1567 - Bet 1629/30 & 1630
m. Est 1587
  1. Johane BurtEst 1588 - Aft 1629/30
  2. John BurtEst 1592 - Aft 1630
  3. Henry BurtEst 1595 - 1662
  4. Raddegan BurtEst 1597 - Aft 1617
  5. Alice BurtEst 1600 - Aft 1617
  6. Agnes BurtEst 1607 - Aft 1630
  7. Elizabeth BurtEst 1609 - Aft 1630
Facts and Events
Name Henry Burtt
Alt Name Henry Burt
Gender Male
Birth[2] Est 1565
Marriage Est 1587 to Isett Unknown
Death[1] 1617 Harberton, Devon, England


Many people claim he was the son of John. The only source for this appears to be an LDS ancestral file. Others claim he was son of another Henry, but no evidence of either appears, well, evident.

That he was -- at least for a time -- from Harberton, co. Devon, is supported by the following:

From "Genealogical Research in England," NEHGS Register, 86:217-218:

"The Burt family is found at Harberton, co. Devon, in the early decades of the seventeenth century... Henry Burtt, of Harberton, co. Devon, clothier, the testator of 10 July 1617, died between 10 July 1617, when his will was dated and 10 Sept. 1617, when the inventory of his estate was taken. He married Isett (or Isott) ____, who survived her husband and died between 14 Mar. 1629/30, when she declared her nuncupative will, and 8 July 1630, when the inventory of her estate was taken.

"He was a prosperous clothier and landholder, who had his own flock of sheep and owned at his death a considerable stock of cloth and yarn. The value of his estate, according to the inventory, was L602. 7s. 9d. In his will, he gave 30 s to the poor of the parish of Harberton, and bequeathed to his wife Isett, his sons Henry and John, his daughters Raddegan (under twenty-one), Allies [Alice], Agnes, and Elizabeth (these three under twenty), anohter daughter, Johan, who was the wife of Christine [Crispin] Saunder[s}, his grandchildren, Joseph and Samuel Saunders, his brothers' and sisters' children and others. His son John was apparently his executor." [see his will below.]

"His widow, Isott Burte, in her nuncupative will of 14 Mar. 1629/30, or thereabouts, gave all her goods to her daughters, Agnes Burte and Elizabeth Burte, who she made her executors. Her estate (personal property only), was appraised at L9, 13s, 4d. (Vide supra, p. 81.)


From "Genealogical Research in England,"NEHGS Register, volume 86, p. 78-83

p.78 The will of Henry Burtt of Harberton [co. Devon], clothier, dated 10 July 1617... To my son Henry and his heirs and assigns [sic] my close of land situate in Harberton Ford, called by the name of the Racheparke, together with the house that John Tummells now dwelleth in and the house that George Causie and Johan Pearse now dwell in and the house that Andrew Pearse and Edward Adams now dwell in, as also the orchard, nursery, herb gardens, backsides, and other appurtenances belonging. To the said Henry, my son, the mansion house of that land commonly called Crobers Land which Thomas Wood now dwelleth in, together with the sheep pen, orchard, herb garden, and bakehouse, during the term of his life. To my said Henry L100, to be paid within a year after my eath. To Isett, my wife, for life, one chamber of the shop, called the forechamber with the bedstead and bed performed that I use to lie in. My wife shall have yearly, during her life L6 13s 4d, issuing out of that land or tenement called Crobers land; and my executor shall find her and one to attendher, during her life, sufficient meat, drink, and firewood for her own use; and, if my aid wife do dislike her diet & do leave it, then my will is that she shall have L3 6s 8d, in lieu of her diet, out of the lands aforesaid, for her life. To my said wife and son Henry the half of my household stuff, equally to be divided between them; and the other half is to remain to my executor. To Raddegan, my daughter, L60 to be paid within three months after she shall be the age of twenty-one. To Allies, my daughter, L40, to be paid at the age of twenty. To Agnes, my daughter, L40, at the age of twenty. To Elizabeth, my daughter, L40, at the age of twenty. Whereas I promised my son-in-law, Chrispine Saunder, L40 at his marriage, and because he is not as yet paid, my executor shall pay it. Also I promised him another L20 when my daughter Johan, his wife, for the term of her life or for fifty years determinalbe upon her life, should be assured of that tenement that Thomasine Saunders now dwelleth in or of some other as good, then my eeuctor shall pay him l20 towards the same. To Joseph Saunders, and Samuel Saunders, my grandchildren, L5 each. To my brothres' and sisters' children 2s each. To every of my godchildren 12d. To Nycholas Hyans, my apprentice, 30s, to be paid at the end of his apprentice[ship]. Residue to my son John Burte. Witnesses: Will Husham and Thos. Colton. Proved 19 September 1617.

Inventory taken 10 Sept 1617 by Thomas Colton and Paule Symons and exhibited 19 Sept 1617... (Archdeaconry of Totnes.)

  1. Bartlett, Joseph Gardner; Elizabeth French; G. Andrews Moriarty; and others. Genealogical Research in England. New England Historical and Genealogical Register. (New England Historic Genealogical Society, 1907-1953)

    'Henry Burtt, of Harberton, co. Devon, clothier, the testator of 10 July 1617, died between 10 July 1617, when his will was dated, and 10 Sept. 1617, when the inventory of his estate was taken.'

  2. Birth year estimated based on estimated birth years of children.