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Elizabeth Bertine
d.11 Jun 1856 Roxbury, Delaware, New York, United States
Family tree▼ (edit)
m. Abt 1795
Facts and Events
Philander McCarty was born in 1780. IN 1803, he was hauled into court for having given his affection to three young women, each of whom had demonstrated her regard by producing a child. Each, of course, thought she was the only one. When they learned of each other, it was off to the courts for financial retribution. The case was well reported in the NYC press. Philander earned not only the admiration of NYC's male population but the approbation of its females. Hence the term Philanderer ... probably a lost term from lack of use today, but common when I was young. One of the young women was Elizabeth Bertine. Elizabeth, and I can't make out which, was either the grandmother of Charles Parmer Woolhiser of Civil War fame or her cousin. Of note, Kate, our Elizabeth was baptized at Trinity Church near Wall Street. Elizabeth and child moved with her family from the area of NYC that is now Tribeca to Northern Westchester.