Person:Ebenezer King (12)

Please Donate
m. 22 Jun 1698
  1. Elizabeth King1699 - 1787
  2. James King1701 -
  3. Thomas King1702/03 - 1759
  4. John King1705 - 1789
  5. Ebenezer King1706 - 1781
  6. Joseph King1709 - 1772
  7. Nathaniel King1711/12 - 1802
  8. Dr. Amos King1715 - 1745
  9. Sarah King1717 - 1815
  • HEbenezer King1706 - 1781
  • W.  Abigail Seymour (add)
m. 30 Mar 1727
  1. Ebenezer King1727/28 - 1810
  2. Abigail King1738/39 -
  3. Amos King1743 -
  4. Elizabeth King1746 -
Facts and Events
Name Ebenezer King
Gender Male
Birth[1] 8 Dec 1706 Suffield, Hartford, Connecticut, United States
Marriage 30 Mar 1727 Suffield, Hartford, Connecticut, United Statesto Abigail Seymour (add)
Death? 17 Jun 1781 Suffield, Hartford, Connecticut, United States
  1. Suffield Vital Records, in Connecticut, United States. The Barbour Collection of Connecticut Town Vital Records

    KING, Ebenezer, s. [James & Elizabeth], b. Dec. 8, 1706