Person:Daniel Ice (8)

Daniel ICE
  1. Mary C. ICE1848 - 1855
  2. Frances Emmaline IceAbt 1849 - 1940
  3. Lucy IceAbt 1851 -
  4. Elizabeth ICE1853 - 1855
  5. William S. Ice1855 - Bef 1860
  6. James L. ICE1857 - 1857
  7. Rachel Lurana ICE1858 - 1908
  8. Mahlon Ice1859 - 1918
  9. Nancy Katherine Ice1861 - 1947
  10. Daniel ICE1874 -
  • HDaniel ICE1874 -
  1. George ICE1897 - 1970
Facts and Events
Name Daniel ICE
Gender Male
Birth? 1874 Tahlequah, Cherokee Co, OK
Marriage to Unknown
Questionable information identified by WeRelate automation
To check:Born after mother was 50

REFN: 1-3-11-2-12 Daniel may be a grandson of Dr. William Ice