Person:Bathsheba Gilbert (5)

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m. 30 Aug 1727
  1. Bathsheba Gilbert1730 - 1807
m. 11 Jan 1749
  1. Marcy Bartlett1751 - 1824
  2. Elisha Bartlett1753 - 1817
  3. Miriam Bartlett1754 - Bef 1793
  4. Ebenezer Bartlett1756 -
  5. Elijah Bartlett1760 - 1840
  6. Hannah Bartlett1761 - 1812
  7. Increase Bartlett1764 - 1767
  8. Huldah Bartlett1765 - 1833
Facts and Events
Name Bathsheba Gilbert
Gender Female
Birth[1][4] 28 Mar 1730 Brookfield, Worcester, Massachusetts, United States
Marriage 11 Jan 1749 Brookfield, Worcester, Massachusetts, United Statesto Elijah Bartlett
Death[2] 4 Aug 1807 Brookfield, Worcester, Massachusetts, United States
  1. Brookfield, Worcester, Massachusetts, United States. Vital Records of Brookfield, Massachusetts, to the End of the Year 1849. (Worcester, Massachusetts: Franklin P. Rice, 1909)

    BILBURT, Bathsheba, d. David and Hannah, [born] March 28, 17[29?].

  2. Brookfield, Worcester, Massachusetts, United States. Vital Records of Brookfield, Massachusetts, to the End of the Year 1849. (Worcester, Massachusetts: Franklin P. Rice, 1909)

    BARTLETT, Basheba, wid. Elijah, [died] Aug. 4, 1807, in 78th y. GS7
    [Age 77, so birth about 1730. GS7=Old Cemetery, West Brookfield.]

  3.   Hibner, Aldis Everard. A genealogy of the descendants of Joseph Bartlett of Newton, Massachusetts for seven generations. (Rutland, Vermont, United States: Tuttle, 1934)

    Elijah Bartlett [#32] m. 11 Jan 1749 Bathsheba Gilbert, d/o David Gilbert and Hannah Abbot, b. 28 Mar 1730, d. 4 Aug 1807.

  4. It is not clear why the compiler of the Brookfield records guessed a birth of 1729?, and why Hibner said 1730. There is not obvious conflict with any siblings, since no other birth seems to occur between marriage in 1727 and sister Ruth b. 1734, to cause one or the other to seem more likely.