MySource:GeneBuds/History of Monroe County, Michigan : a Narrative Account of Its Historical Progress, Its People, and Its Princ

MySource History of Monroe County, Michigan : a Narrative Account of Its Historical Progress, Its People, and Its Princ
Author Bulkley, John McClelland
Abreviation History of Monroe Co.
Year range -
Publication information
Publication Wing, Talcott E, Munsell & Company, New York, 1890
Bulkley, John McClelland. History of Monroe County, Michigan : a Narrative Account of Its Historical Progress, Its People, and Its Princ. (Wing, Talcott E, Munsell & Company, New York, 1890).
Name Toledo-Lucas County Public Library
Address 325 Michigan Street

Main Library, Local History Room

OBJE: Image form: JPEG TITL: Toledo_Library File: C:\my documents\The Master Genealogist v8\Exhibits\Toledo_Library.JPG