MySource:GayelKnott/R. Bruce Horsfall, "Notes"

MySource R. Bruce Horsfall, "Notes"
Year range -
Surname Horsfall
Publication information
Publication ms, n.d.
R. Bruce Horsfall, "Notes". (ms, n.d.).
Name Family possession

Information provided by RBI: John Tomlin Horsfall and children:
Leonard, married late in life
Mary, died infancy
Alfred, married, many children
Fred, died inf.
Bruce, married Hunting, Bruce Jr.
Fred, M. Patterson, F. W. Jr.
Jamie, died inf.
Benjamin, killed in RR accident

John Tomlin Horsfall, born 1823/1821, died 1889, married 1852 to
Anna Battersby, born Aug. 17, 1837, Yorktown, Eng., died June 13, 1891, Clinton, Iowa
Leonard, born Mch 21, 1853, Brooklyn, NY, died Red Bank, NJ; married Helena Stevens, no children
Alfred Horsfall, born Mch 13, 1855, Brooklyn, NY, m. Kate Nissen/Kathryn Hanson
Gertrude, born born Dec. 10, 1856, Brooklyn, died Feb 19, 1859, Winnebago Co., Illinois
Emil William, born 21 Sept, 1860, Lyons, Ia
Alice Beatrice Maude, born 9 Dec. 1862, Lyons, Ia
Frederick Arthur, born 21 Feb. 1866, Lyons, IA, died Mch 17, 1870
Robert Bruce, born 21 Oct, 1868, Rignwood, Clinton, IA
Frederick Walter Horsfall, born June 14, 1871, Ringwood, IA
James G. Horsfall, born March 16, 1874, Rignwood, died 22 Aug. 1874
Eleanor Eunice, 26 Oct. 1875, Ringwood
Benjamin, born 8 Oct. 1878, Ringwood, died RR accident