Image:Chatt Thos bu1828-1068646.jpg


Chatt_Thos_bu1828-1068646.jpg (56KB, MIME type: image/jpeg)

Image Information
11 Jan 1828
Whitley Chapel, Northumberland, England
Thomas ChattAbt 1765 - 1828
Thomas Chatt and Elizabeth Carr (1)

From Hexham, Northumberland, England. Parish Registers of Whitley, Northumberland, 1764-1903 (FHL film 1068646 item 15):

  • Name: Thomas Chatt
  • Abode: Sipton Shield
  • When buried: Janry 11th
  • Age: 68
  • By whom the ceremony was performed: Richd Close


  • Image is a composite of two snippets, showing the page heading and the specific entry, which actually appears further down the page.
  • The page heading says for the year 1827, but the page begins in mid-December and shifts to 1828 only a few entries down. The entry for Thomas Chatt is 1828.
  • Pretty certain the age is 68, based on comparison with handwritten numerals elsewhere on the page, even though it may look like 62. This also concurs with the parish records transcript found in FHL film 1564755 item 2.

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