Help talk:WeRelate tour

Please add comments and suggestions for improving the video tour by clicking on the "Add comment" button above.

suggestion for tour & tutorial

Can you please add pause, continue & restart buttons to the tour and tutorials? I cannot read and assimulate new info that fast and it rushes on ahead of me, leaving me frustrated, thinking 'whoa! I haven't got a hold of that last thought yet!"--Janiejac 07:18, 16 June 2007 (MDT)

I'll add these in the next few weeks. We are also doing videos on the FTE and images. Is there anything in particular you would like clarified? --sq 22:12, 16 June 2007 (MDT)
We just added next and previous buttons to the video tour and tutorial. Hopefully this will help!--Dallan 12:01, 20 June 2007 (MDT)