Family:Unknown and Unknown (12023)

Facts and Events
Marriage[1] 5 Oct 1892 Lancaster, Lancaster, Pennsylvania, United States
Other[1][2] 5 Oct 1898 Lancaster, Lancaster, Pennsylvania, United StatesMarriage License Docket Marriage Notice
  1. 1.0 1.1 Kline Family Tree: Descendants of Jost Schannauer (1707)
    6 October 2005.
  2. Marriage License Docket
    Oct 4, 1898, John A Friend and Emma K. Bingaman made application for a license authorizing them to be united in marriage, where upon said applicants in answer to questions propounded to them did respectively declare and say:
    1st. The said John A. Friend
    I was born in Columbia, Pa., and reside Ephrata, Pa. I am by occupation silk weaver. I have not been married.
    And the said Emma K. Bingaman says: My age is 22 years. I was born in Brickerville, Lancaster County, Pa., and reside in Ephrata, Pa. I have not been married, we are not related either by blood or marriage. Said justice certifies that the above due affirmed to and subscribed be the said John A. Friend and Emma K. Bingaman this 4 day of Oct 1898.
    License Granted, to wit:
    To any Minister of the Gospel, Justice of the Peace, or other officers or persons authorized by law to solemnize marriage: You are hereby authorized to join together in the holy state of matrimony, according to the rites and ceremonies of your church, society, or religious denomination, and the laws of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, John A. Friend and Emma K. Bingaman. Given under my hand and seal of the Orphans Court of the said County of Lancaster, at the city of Lancaster, Pa., this 5th day of Oct 1898.