Family:Rafe De Mainwaring and Amicia De Meschines (1)

Facts and Events
Marriage? 1179 Warmingham, Cheshire, England
Alt Marriage? 1197 Warmingham, Cheshire, England
Other? Marriage Ending Status Divorce
Questionable information identified by WeRelate automation
To fix:Roger De Mainwaring (1)Born before mother was 4
To fix:Roger De Mainwaring (1)Born before father was 8
To fix:Bertred Mainwaring (1)Born more than 1 year after father died
To check:Wife younger than 12 at marriage
To check:Roger De Mainwaring (1)Born before parents' marriage
This page is the result of a merge. Members whose pages were merged into this one are encouraged to check their data, add source citations and make any additions or corrections as needed. Conflicting information may appear, in which case, please use the associated talk page to discuss such discrepancies.
Questionable Information Found
The birth dates of children are too spread apart for a normal family.
Clarification and Documentation wanted.