Family:Nehemiah Wimble and Audrey Lashmar (1)

Facts and Events
Marriage? 6 Aug 1804 Tandridge, Surrey, England

The National Archives -- Part of the UK archives network

Archive of Nehemiah Wimble of Lewes AMS6076 [n.d.]

Source of acquisition: Documents given by J R Homfray, 18 May 1989 (A5272)

Administrative history: Nehemiah Wimble (1778-1843) was the third son of John Wimble of Southover (1730-1814) and Elizabeth Pullen (1741-1825). He was born on 20 Jan 1778 at St Johns in Lewes, and married Audrey Marchant (1781-1846) daughter of Thomas Lashmar of Steyning at Tandridge in Surrey on 6 Aug 1804. Nehemiah died on 12 Dec 1843 and was buried at Southover. For his will, see - W/A81/462

NW was an ironmonger and had traded in partnership with William Attwood of Lewes from a shop on the High Street from 1 Oct 1820 until his death in 1843 (see HIL/2/3). In 1825 he had purchased the Friars (part of the site now occupied by the Fitzroy Library) from George Verrall. By his death he had sold it to the London and Brighton Railway Co; for the deeds from 1691, see - BLE/C2/5/1 - 9

Wimble served as Constable for Lewes Borough in 1835 and 1840, and as Headborough in 1821. On the visit of King William IV and Queen Adelaide to the Borough on 22 Oct 1830 they dined at the Friars, and on the basis of his having been presented to the King NW was granted a coat of arms in December 1830