Family:Daniel Boone and Rebeccah Bryan (1)

Facts and Events
Marriage[1][2] 14 Aug 1756 Rowan County, North Carolina
23 May 1773 Kentucky
22 Dec 1820 Missouri
20 Feb 1775
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  1. Family Recorded, in The Boone Society, Inc. - The First 5 Generations of the George Boone Family, 21 Aug 2008.
  2. Walk of Fame Recipient: Daniel Boone, in Madison County Historical Society

    "Daniel Boone’s anchor was a young woman named Rebecca Bryan from the Yadkin Valley in North Carolina. They married on August 14, 1756. A fantastic tale of their meeting has Daniel hunting at night and nearly killing Rebecca, who was out rounding up her father’s livestock. This story is pure fiction according to the family; they actually met at a family wedding. It was Rebecca’s industriousness, clean habits, and slow temper that attracted Daniel to her. She was by accounts quite beautiful with dark hair and dark, penetrating eyes. She was the model of a frontier woman, adept at all things domestic as well as capable of raising crops and hunting while Daniel was away. Rebecca reared their ten children as well as several of their relative’s children who had been orphaned. Their marriage would stand the test of Daniel’s long absences, financial hardship, threat of Indian attacks, hard labor, sickness, and the deaths of two of their children."

    It was rumored that Rebecca and Daniel’s fourth child, Jemima, was not fathered by Daniel but by his brother Edward. Daniel had been gone for two years on a long hunt, and Rebecca, thinking him dead, had a relationship with his brother. When Daniel arrived home after being held captive by Native Americans, he found Rebecca pregnant with his brother’s child. Rebecca explained that in missing him she had turned to his brother, who looked very much like Daniel. Baby Jemima was accepted by Daniel as his own, and became one of his favorite children.