Source:Georgetown, Sagadahoc, Maine, United States. Vital records of Georgetown, Maine, to the year 1892

Source Vital records of Georgetown, Maine, to the year 1892
Author Hill, Mary Pelham
Place Georgetown, Sagadahoc, Maine, United States
Year range - 1892
Subject Vital records
Publication information
Type Government / Church records
Publisher Maine Historical Society
Date issued 1939-1941
Number of Volumes 2
Hill, Mary Pelham. Vital records of Georgetown, Maine, to the year 1892. (Maine Historical Society, 1939-1941).
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Usage Tips

Transcribed and compiled records. Microfilm may be ordered through the nearest Family History Center. The FamilySearch online catalog has links to a digital edition of the first two volumes (Births and Marriages).

Some of these records have been extracted by FamilySearch; the online database Maine Births and Christenings, 1739-1900 indexes records from this collection. See the following source pages for more information about this index:

Related Sources

FHL film numbers

  • 873976 Items 2-3