Place:Taverny, Val-d'Oise, France

Coordinates49.033°N 2.217°E
Located inVal-d'Oise, France
Also located inSeine-et-Oise, Île-de-France, France    
source: Getty Thesaurus of Geographic Names
source: Family History Library Catalog

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Taverny is a commune in the northwestern suburbs of Paris, France. It is located from the center of Paris.

Inhabitants are called Tabernaciens.


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In 1806 the commune of Taverny merged with the neighboring commune of Saint-Leu, resulting in the creation of the commune of Saint-Leu-Taverny.

In 1821 the commune of Saint-Leu-Taverny was demerged. Thus, Taverny and Saint-Leu were both restored as separate communes.

On 30 March 1922, a part of the territory of Taverny was detached and merged with a part of the territory of Montigny-lès-Cormeilles and a part of the territory of Pierrelaye to create the commune of Beauchamp.

Florence Portelli was elected Mayor of Taverny in 2014, and re-elected in 2020.[1]

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