
Image Information
23 Nov 1887
New York City, New York, United States
Betty Littman1864 - 1932
Lena Littman1862 - 1900
Copyright holder

Excerpt from the passenger manifest from the German steamship Elbe, arriving in New York on 23 Nov 1887 having sailed from Bremen. The ship had a 1st cabin of 22 persons, a 2nd cabin of 17 persons, and steerage comprising Compartment C (124 single men), Compartment B (45 single women), and Compartment A (158 people in family groups). The single women included "Lina Littmann", age 19(?), a "wife", and Bertha [Littmann], age 17, sister, both from Hungary. Lina had a piece of luggage, which only 13 of the 45 women did. Most of the women were Hungarian or German, with a few Swedes, one Austrian, and one American.

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  • (del) (cur) 06:21, 20 July 2012 . . TomChatt (Talk | contribs) . . 1142×416 (227,147 bytes) (Excerpt from the passenger manifest from the German steamship Elbe, arriving in New York on 23 Nov 1887 having sailed from Bremen. The ship had a 1st cabin of 22 persons, a 2nd cabin of 17 persons, and steerage comprising Compartment C (124 single men), C)

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