WeRelate:About pedigree charts


Pedigree charts are diagrams of the ancestry of an individual. WeRelate automatically generates pedigree charts for every ancestor you post on WeRelate, based on the research that you enter on person and family pages.


  • Quickly find names and event information for ancestors
  • Access pedigree chart with the click of a button
  • Get an overview of your research and look for further direction
  • Easily jump to other person and family pages in the pedigree
  • Simultaneously view pedigree chart and pedi-maps

Getting started

Here's how to view the pedigree chart of one of your ancestors:

  1. Access your ancestor's person page. (If you have not yet created a person page, follow these instructions.)
  2. Click on the grey pedigree button on the right side of the screen, directly across from the page title.
  3. This should bring up the pedigree chart for your ancestor.

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