
My Trees
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I am taking over the inherited work of my mother, Susan Wintringham Crosby. Susan was connected to the New Haven Historical and Genealogical Society and New England Genealogical Historical Society. She spent great deal of time trying to document and verify names.

Most of her work was cataloged on Wordperfect files that predate the internet. I am excited to have found that OpenOffice opens almost all the files!

As the internet began assisting history hounds I know she found many more links. However I do remember (around 1999) that she was frustrated with the quality of some of the research. She found some connections that were more hopeful than valid. She worked to annotate the differences and verify the hopeful connections. My goal is to carry the integrity of this work forward.

The main surnames in my family:

Crosby, Muzzy, McKnight, Stetson, Clapp, Manville, Vincent

Towns(h)end, Rathbone, Fellow(e)s, Carter, Ball, Munn, Weld


(Note: I see the add surname feature, and will do so once I can control the links a bit better).

I have some very interesting family trees that have been handed down to me:

William Fellowes (1609)

Sarah Rathbone Townsend (Crosby)

Sumner McKnight Crosby Sr.

Photo family tree, Cornelius Fellow(e)s to Frederick Townsend (mid 1700 - mid 1900)