
Hey There! My name is Randi and I am currently researching mine and my husbands family trees. I have been researching our tree since 2007 when my dad came across a bunch of old documents and news clippings that my grandmother and ggrandfather had kept, its apparently in the blood :)

My greatest accomplishment in the world of genealogy would be finding a Revolutionary Ancestor, proving his patriotism and proving the lineage back 9 generations to him with supporting documentation to join the Daughters of the American Revolution. (I have since found a few more and am getting all the documentation around)

Please contact me if you believe that you have information I am looking for or if I may have some that you are searching for or if you just want to chat with a fellow genealogy nut :) My email is randi.familyfinder(at) or connect with me via twitter @RandiRPeterson

Family lines I am looking for: Peterson, Bowersox, Slingluff, Heffern(an), Guenther, Butcher, Laver, Spencer, Swartzfager, Busby, McGinty, Pruskowski, Farnsworth, Rockefeller, and many more!