
My Trees
Jester (search) (explore) (copy)
pages: 219
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I began my genealogy addiction in Aug of 1979, after my father passed in May. My mother had already read the 1880 and had some names, but she wasn't sure how they were related. My father's parents had died young and he just didn't know or talk much about them. So, I studied the FGS she gave me and memorized the names. I knew that Burgess and Levi were somehow connected to me but we didn't know exactly how. But I just knew they were. And I go to the library with my aunt and open the Accelerated Index, "There they are!!" and my aunt replied with "You don't find them that fast!" And I looked at her with this dumbfounded expression on my face... "With a name like Burgess Jester?"

That started a discussion that continued for years. My mother kept it up with "There are lots of Burgess Jesters." "Yes, there are, but there is only one (holding up one finger) old one. All the others are named for him." Then she checked my work, I had the kids, their marriages, solid from 1850 to 1900. When I showed my aunt the work I had collected plus all the other Jesters I had notes on, "You know, your mother and I have worked for years to get what little information we have, you just don't find them that fast. Not the amount you have." The difference was, I just had to prove it to my satisfaction, not theirs. And my work has stood the test of time.

I will be delighted to change my db, if I am wrong, but its going to take some really good evidence, for someone actually proves to me mine is wrong. I've had too many people come to me through email or lists I was on and say "My research shows... " and I say "Show me your research." And I will usually find the holes. I firmly believe the ancestors talk to me and guide me. And getting them placed properly is the best way to honor them. If you challenge me, PROVE your case. If I challenge you, I'll present my evidence.

As the self-ordained, self-appointed expert on the southern Jester genealogy, along with fairly extensive research on the Northern branches also, I can usually spot the errors right off in other trees. I know who belongs and who doesn't. And my job is to correct the fictitious pedigrees that some sites claim is gospel. And its with proof or a blasted good argument. I do not walk softly and carry a big stick, I thunder in wielding a cast iron skillet!