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Lannert Family Society is the official source for Lannert genealogical information on the net. If you have a Lannert family connection, please participate and share the heritages of these great families.

This research has found many Lannert families in the United States. Almost all have their origins in the Odenwald Mountain region of Hessen, Germany.

A few Lannert families emigrated from Northwest Romania and Southern Hungary and settled in New York, Wisconsin, Missouri and Illinois in the 1890-1920s era. Their connections to the German roots are still a mystery, so far!

These are other spellings (or misspellings) with possible connections... Lanert, Lannerd, Lannerth, Lanhart, Lahnart, Lanhardt, Lanardt Lahnert, Launart, Lannard, Lannart, Lanart, Leanert, Lammert, Lennert, Lenard, Lahner, Lanort, Lannort, Lanwert Sannert, Sanard

Lannert and Lannerd have also been spelled Leonard!