User:Kgale/To-Do List


This is a list of tasks I need to complete. If anyone would like to add one (perhaps a request for a clarification on a help page), leave me a message on the talk page by clicking the Talk link at the top of this page.

  1. Finish My Relate tutorial: Lesson Six.
  2. Finish page - WeRelate:About source index (mentioned in WeRelate:Definitions)
  3. Add definitions of all old terms to WeRelate:Definitions -- Personal Research Page, Create, Connect, Research, Move, Discussion Page...
  4. Complete help pages under Search heading: "Search WeRelate" and "Connecting with others"
  5. Finish the Help:Preferences page.
  6. More video tutorials:
    • FTE
    • Uploading images
    • "Where do I go now?"
      • I uploaded my gedcom, now how do I find cousins? How do I send my tree to a cousin? How to view other peoples trees? How to use the place database? how to ....
  7. Change any references to "Move page" once Dallan changes the title and button on that page.
  8. Finish Genealogy Tools Research Guide.